Sunday, November 18, 2012

Portobello Portraits

David and I stayed close to home yesterday, taking a quick walk around the Portobello Road market. I spent the time photographing a few interesting people.

"Say cheese!"

"Well, that turned out alright, even with these stupid hats."

This guy was selling soap bubble wands.

And I loved the light on this woman's face.

While I took these photos I was also lugging a pair of photography books that I bought at the market -- so I was shooting with one hand! That and the low, late-afternoon light are my excuses for any slight blurriness.

Yesterday evening we had Linda and Chris, our neighbors, over for drinks, and then we made our way to dinner at an Italian place nearby that we've wanted to try. The food was good but the staff were a bit surly. We had 6:30 reservations and we had the temerity to show up at 6:25. The nerve!


  1. they probably weren't expecting you til 7.

  2. Cheeky early arrival! Oh the horror! Those silly hats must be the thing- I spent 45 minutes in the post office waiting behind a middle aged woman who was wearing a wolf head hat- that is OK ,but she would not stop singing "little red riding hood, you sure are looking good.." while doing a creepy lurch at little kids...DO NOT wear silly hats- they make craziness and possible incarceration.

  3. i kind of like the blur. love that photo of the bubble boy in particular. so on the fly.

  4. The first photo reminds me of the Warren Kimble print of the two rabbits in a nose-to-nose standoff with a carrot on the ground between them. Ha! I guess the girl is the carrot. Great photos, as usual.

  5. They are Angry Birds hats. :)
    A silly game if you aren't already familiar with it.

  6. Ms Moon: Indeed!

    Ellen: Maybe! The place filled up almost instantly after 6:30. I guess people know not to show up a few minutes early.

    Linda: I frequently see these fuzzy animal hats for sale on Portobello Road. I wish I'd seen that performance in your post office, though!

    Angella: Thanks! I took about 20 shots of him, but some were just TOO blurry!

    Nancy: Ha! I had to Google "Warren Kimble rabbits," but when I saw it I recognized it immediately. Funny!

    Lynne: I recognized the Angry Birds, although I've never played the game. I have some friends who are really addicted to it!

  7. Those Angry Birds hats are awesome!
