Saturday, August 10, 2013

Cabinet, with Buttocks

When I went walking in Islington a couple of weeks ago, I came upon this cabinet sitting at the curb amid some bags of garbage.

It was apparently the project of a street artist who signs his or her work "Art is Trash." I'm guessing he or she came upon the cabinet after it had been put out on the street, and turned it into an artwork. Coincidentally, I saw several pieces by this same artist in Barcelona soon afterwards.

Don't you love that eye? I would have taken this cabinet home, but I had no way to carry it. Maybe someone else rescued it. Or maybe Art really is, ultimately, Trash!


  1. Ultimately I guess we all are! Too bad you couldn't tote that home- at least the top bit with the eye, cool!

  2. I'm always surprised when you want to bring things home with you. I think of you as the type who likes to get rid of stuff.

    This cabinet is very cute though. The eye is great - and the butt.

  3. Wonky eye and 'airy buttocks. Smashing!

  4. I guess I might be the only person to think that that googly eyeball is scary. It would not be fining a place in my house but it's interesting.

  5. That would be FINDING, not fining.

    Oh well
