Monday, August 26, 2013

More Scenes from Bath

My lower back is killing me. Good Lord, it’s hard to even bend over this morning. Must be from all the walking around town.

And walk we did yesterday! First we went to the park, where Olga got to romp off-leash and chase her Kong toy. It was a gray, autumnal morning and we were surprised by a chilly rain shower. Dave had defiantly decided to bring neither his umbrella nor the hood to his new jacket, so we had to seek shelter under a big chestnut tree. Fortunately the rain didn’t last long.

From there we walked into town and found a café where we could have lattes and people-watch. Olga begged to sit in my lap. I think we created a monster by allowing her into Dave’s lap the other day – she’s now being quite insistent about climbing up onto one of us whenever we’re seated at a café or pub. It amuses everyone around us, though, so there’s that.

After lingering a while, Dave wanted to go back to the room, so he took the dog and I walked with my camera down to the River Avon.

I found a little charity shop where I bought nothing but had a good time going through racks of clothes. I even found a bit of graffiti! Leave it to me to sniff it out – I have a talent for that. (Basically, look for car parks, alleys and the back walls of buildings.)

In the afternoon we watched a bit of TV and then went to another local pub, the Victoria Kitchen, and then back to the Garrick’s Head for dinner. I had stilton rarebit with pickled onions, and I had no complaints at all.

Special bonus photo, from the windowsill of a beauty shop!


  1. That river shot is so gorgeous. I hope your back is better. I'm glad you're having a vacation and the fact that Olga is there, sitting on your laps just makes me smile.

  2. A river with steps? How do the boats NOT fall down the stairs? Amazing shot! Olga is such a baby girl- I love how she ends up in your lap and makes everyone say "awww". She is so good at what she does! "Bitch, Moi?" Bitch is the new black...

  3. I love the graffiti bird - really cool! And the image of Olga on your lap :)
