Saturday, October 19, 2013

Before and After

Here's the result of some of my first Photoshop experiments with removing distortion. The photo above is unedited, and as you can see, some of the lines -- the left side of the doorframe, for example, or the line where the building meets the sidewalk -- show a slight curve. That's the result of the lens.

Here's the corrected version, where the lines look straight, like they are (more or less) in real life. Some could use additional straightening -- like the mullions in the window -- but my skills haven't progressed that far! I also removed that obnoxious web address below the window. Unfortunately it looks a little blurry in this resolution on the blog -- but click it for a clearer image.

Contrary to what I said yesterday, I did check out a book from the library about Photoshop. Light weekend reading!


  1. I use the correct distortion filter all the time, particularly to straighten the image. Like you, my pics are almost always off the level (do I move the camera when I press the shutter? Don't know).

    You have to collapse the layers after using it, if you want to save in jpeg. I forget to sometimes.

    I'm a hit or miss Photoshop user. I should learn more about it.

  2. oh wow. wow wow wow. thank you Steve and Reya. I just applied the correct camera distortion to one of my pics of doors that really needed it. it looks great!

  3. I feel like I've leaned against a door that has given way, and I've tumbled headlong into Photography Land where people are speaking photographese. Both pictures appeared the same to me the first 11 times I looked at it, but the 12th time... ahh, now I see it.

  4. I wouldn't have noticed that slight curve until you pointed it out. My eyes must be used to adjusting for that.
    Like Reya above, I do a lot of straightening in my photos. I very seldom are able to get a photo level. I sometimes wonder if I'm a little crooked when I stand.

  5. Yes Nancy: I was never aware of certain features of films/movies until I was professionally trained to spot them. Now I can't ignore them!

    The really clever thing about the best lens correction software is that you can't tell what's been fixed without a before and after comparison, so it does have it's uses in professional workflows.

    Anyway, kudos to Steve for getting to grips with parts of this gigantic iceberg of a digital photo editing suite.

  6. Such vibrant colors! I love the composition and think you should frame this!

  7. Reya: Interesting! I didn't consciously use layers in this photo, but if Photoshop automatically creates them, maybe I did need to collapse before saving in jpg. Hmmm...

    Ellen: Yay! I'm so glad this worked for you! It makes a big difference in architectural photos, where the straight lines MUST be straight.

    Nancy: Yeah, I'm sure these changes do seem very picky and subtle. I cannot stand lens distortion, though. In some photos I see it before anything else!

    Sharon: I wonder why we all do that? I thought it was just me! I really thought one of my eyes might be lopsided!

    Peter: It IS an iceberg, and I am only at the tippy top.

    Angella: And the colors are natural! I didn't mess with those at all!
