Wednesday, October 23, 2013

More Chewing Gum Art

I discovered two more pieces of Ben Wilson's chewing gum art, this time near work. These two are portraits, and it looks like they've been there awhile.

It's funny -- I have walked past these pieces probably a hundred times since I started work at the school, and yet I never noticed them until Monday. Imagine all the things we miss in a given day, just because we're not paying attention!


  1. I don't even know what to say about chewing gum art.

  2. My first reaction to this gum art was... How gross! But it's art, so I was compelled to follow your links to learn more about it. I followed the links in your September post and landed at Wilson's interview. My perceptions, I confess, have been altered. My fave pic of the artist is of him lying on the ground in the rain with his umbrella propped over his head, his paint and tools spread out on the ground, and his face positioned over his gummy canvas.

  3. I think the chewing gum art is rather beautiful. It's so obviously done just for the doing of it.
    And you are completely correct- god only knows what we miss as we move through our days, our lives.

  4. have you ever seen any in the US?

  5. I love the chewing gum art! I admit I'm more likely to see it than art on buildings because I look at my feet a LOT when I'm walking. I guess from the days when I wasn't very steady on them :)

  6. really? chewing gum art? humans never cease to amaze me.

  7. great finds! The artist's brush must be like two hairs!

  8. Oh yes, we do miss so much! One thing the camera has taught me is to look closer and longer. It is a tough thing to remember to do while we are trying to get through our busy lives.
