Saturday, November 9, 2013

Morning Walk to Work

I took a roundabout walk to work yesterday morning, taking the tube to Tottenham Court Road and then walking northwest with my camera through Fitzrovia and St. John's Wood. I really ought to do that kind of thing more often. I feel so much better when I've had some exercise and accomplished something mildly creative -- and after-work photo walks are no longer an option because the sun sets too early.

We had dinner last night at the home of one of Dave's students, who's considering a major in music education. His parents wanted to talk about college possibilities and that sort of thing. I was just along for the ride, me and my ridiculous Movember moustache, which I felt the need to explain. ("I don't always look like this!") I'm going to have to keep my head down socially all month.

Did I mention that I finished putting together this year's book of my favorite photographs? It's not in my online bookstore yet because I need to see the prototype and make sure it's what I want -- it should arrive sometime next week. (I'm having it shipped to school so I can avoid having to schlep all the way to Bermondsey to pick it up, which is what I had to do last year because the package-delivery people just could not figure out our home address.) I always enjoy putting this book together, and each year I think I see improvement. I'm also experimenting with a larger format, a coffee-table book size, so we'll see how that goes. Hopefully my relatives reading this aren't rolling their eyes and thinking, "Oh, god, not another one!"

(Photo: Still waking up, in Marylebone, yesterday morning.)


  1. I really wish to see your mustache. A selfie? Pleeeeaaassse?

    Was thinking this morning that again I won't see you at Thanksgiving. Dang, man.

  2. Can't wait to see the book. I loved your last one! And you must show us a picture of your November mustache!

  3. I'll post a photo toward the end of the month, once it's grown in. :)

  4. Clocks going back curtails my after-work photography too Steve. I am pleased to read of your making permananent some of your best shots. So many people will be bereft of their digital imagery legacy if/when their technology crashes. Or perhaps when, in some other potentially damaging scenario, the currently free social networking picture archives introduce some as yet unforseen but prohibitively expensive change of use. T&Cs may apply?
