Monday, November 4, 2013

Wormwood Scrubs

Can you stand another dog photo?

Olga and I tried a new park yesterday morning. We went to Wormwood Scrubs, northwest of our neighborhood and next to the famous Victorian-era prison of the same name. "The Scrubs" is a more workaday park than elegant Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. Rather than lots of stately trees and statuary, it features a vast open field divvied up into football pitches.

Olga, of course, did not mind. As long as she had space to run and chase her Kong, she was happy. (Fewer squirrels, though.) Fortunately despite all the sports activity we didn't have any soccer-ball-related incidents, I suppose because Olga had her Kong to keep her occupied.

I liked the view from the park, a skyline vista including buildings like Trellick Tower (on the left in the photo above) and The Shard (on the right). The ones in between are mostly nondescript apartment and office towers, but if you could see the full-size version of that photo and zoom in, you could pick out a few more landmarks, like Centre Point and the BT Tower.

Anyway, we had a great time making our way over to the park (not that close!) and then romping in the grass. Olga spent all afternoon in recovery mode, sleeping. (Always my goal when we walk.)

Dave got back home yesterday afternoon -- woo hoo! -- exhausted and with his ears ringing from listening to audition recordings from hundreds of students, all hoping to get a slot in an honor band. We stocked up on groceries and dog food, and I think we're ready to start the week.

To make up for the mundane dog photo, how about a life-size doll head in a trash can? Enjoy!


  1. That last photo is damn creepy. :-)

    It's funny, though, because I had a similar toy when I was a girl. It was a life-size Barbie head that came with makeup and hair accessories. She had a ponytail you could pull out and a string you could pull to retract the ponytail, so you could create both long and short hairstyles.

    Mine was blonde, so it's encouraging to think that today's creepy doll-heads are a bit more diverse. :-)

  2. Your top photo is just other-worldly. The colors are intense.
    Glad your man's home. Mine is too.
    And may I say that London has far classier garbage cans than we do here?

    have a great week!!!

  4. Beautiful sky! Love that shade of blue with all those cottony clouds.

    I don't get tired of Olga pic either.

  5. Olga is tremendously photogenic. I love your pics of her. Love the clouds in that picture too - though - the doll pic is fabulous.

  6. NEVER stop with the dog photos!
