Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Someone has planted a big patch of poppies on the lawn downstairs from our flat. When I walked over to check them out on Saturday morning, they were positively humming with bees.

I tried to photograph the bees in action, but it's hard to get a good shot of an erratically flying bee. I took about a hundred photos (it seemed) and these three are the best shots.

I've never heard of bees making honey from poppies, but they were certainly into the pollen. Would poppy honey have narcotic properties? Hmmm...


  1. Poppy honey. Now there's something worth investigating. Love the poppies!

  2. That first photo of the bee in flight is outrageous!

  3. Beautiful! I think the bees might be getting a little opium high! Or do only certain poppies create it?

  4. Trust me- those poppies are innocent of narcotic effect. If we could only get our hands on the seeds of the opium poppy! Oh wait. That's just me.
    Beautiful camera work.

  5. Awesome camera work! I am with Ms.Moon on these poppies. One thing though is that I am sure the honey would taste delightful.

  6. Your bee shots are great. It is hard to photograph these guys because they never stop moving.

  7. Pretty good shots. I've tried taking pictures of bees but they move too fast. Love the poppies.

  8. We used to be able to buy opium poppies at the farmers market here, No longer. Pity, I can think of a use for them...The bee shots are amazing, Can see their little smiles and sparklie eyes, GREAT shots. I am going to France in Sept/oct...would like to be able to order a sandwich without using gestures and grunts, thus rosetta stone ....fail...I can say things that will not be helpful, like "je suis un homme"...

  9. What are you talking about? These are awesome bee pics!

  10. Poppies are one of my favorite flowers! Thanks for sharing them...
