Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Night Jungle

I got up about 2 a.m. on Friday morning to get a drink of water and I was struck by the streetlights throwing shadows on our walls. Maybe I was impressed because in this summertime land of eternal daylight it's been a while since I've seen the house in darkness!

It looks very jungly, doesn't it? Funny how our few houseplants replicate themselves over and over in different layered shadows.

It was really difficult to take these photos. The house was so dark the auto-focus on the camera wouldn't work, so I had to focus manually -- which was hard because I could barely see the edges of the shadows through the viewfinder. (No snide comments about my eyes. It was 2 a.m., people.) I "guesstimated" and made some long exposures, and overall the pics turned out OK, don't you think?

Dave and I had a conversation about the vegetarian thing. He offered to start making me vegetarian meals, but it seems unreasonable to expect him to constantly make me one thing and himself another. So I suggested a middle path -- more vegetarian meals for both of us, and less meat (for me) on meat days. We're going to try cooking veg all next week, I think. Woo hoo! Dave once again confirms his awesomeness.

My sinus infection has waned greatly -- I haven't had pain for the last two days. Go, doxycycline!


  1. Those photos are very dramatic. I wonder what the night jungle will look like in your new home? And Dave is awesome indeed. Lucky man! Both of you.

  2. love the photos! summer is easier to choose eating mostly vegetables..they are fresh and delicious. winter...not so much.

  3. I love these pictures. I love getting up in the late, late night to see what my world looks like in the dark, the quiet. Sometimes I come out on the porch and it's a beautiful thing, being all alone in the nighttime.

  4. Good job on the photos. I think you did very well and I love the effect.

  5. I love those photos. It makes me want to get up in the middle of the night and take some pictures.

  6. the photos came out great! and compromise is always best. 50/50 every week. you get less meat, he gets more vegetables. win win.

  7. They are very cool photos -- they look sort of noirish!

    And I'm thinking a posting of the vegetarian meals is in order every day -- I could use the inspiration!

  8. Love the pics - really cool, & they're practically the embodiment of your blog title :)

  9. I love these photos so much! They are so quiet, peaceful and alive, like this is the hour the plants do their growing and chatting.
