Sunday, July 6, 2014

Short Takes

-- Only after I posted yesterday did I realize I've complained about that Dean Martin song before. I'm turning into a repetitive old man who tells the same war story over and over.

-- Some of you asked a few days ago, after the wine-breakage incident, why we use plastic bags from the grocery store rather than bringing our own cloth bags. I completely agree with the idea of cloth bags, and we do have some. But the logistics of keeping cloth bags handy, when we don't have a car to keep them in and don't carry a backpack or briefcase to and from work each day, has defeated us. Plastic bags are simply much, much easier when we're popping into the grocery store while walking home or otherwise out and about. To make up for consuming them, I reuse them as garbage bags. I don't buy any Hefty.

-- We went out with our neighbors Chris and Linda last night for a meal to celebrate our move. They say they're sorry to see us go and they kindly gave us a cheese board, some champagne and chocolate as a departure gift. (More to pack! Criminy!) We promised to have them around to the new place. Chris, as usual, talked about World War II while Linda reprimanded him for harping on about history again.That's their regular shtick.

-- I just recently passed the 20,000-photo mark on Flickr! Yes, since 2006 I have uploaded a ridiculous quantity of pictures. (Not as many as some people, though. I came across a guy yesterday who topped 50,000, and I'm sure he's nowhere near the record holder. My blog pal Lorianne is right behind me at 17,723.) Here's my 20,000th one, which I kind of like. Think of the sheer volume of photographic material online these days. I mean, I'm just me -- prolific, but not as prolific as some!

(Photo: Soho, on Thursday.)


  1. Oh my, I shall have to visit your photo stream more often. Such beautiful work! Congrats on 20,000! Wonderful capture of that particular moment in front of the green wall.

  2. You are the Goldilocks of Flikr users. Bravo!

    Have a nice, uneventful move. Let it go smoothly, without incident. May it be so!

    FABULOUS picture with the shadow. You are a painter.

  3. "More to pack." Haha!
    I hear you. Life has been reduced to what you have to pack. That's why moving can be a good thing. "Is this worth it?"
    "Throw it out!"
    Kind of wish I could see a closer image of the guy in your picture. But that's just me.

  4. the good news, since the plastic bag ban, folks have jumped on the invention wagon and invented these strong fabric bags that fold really tiny to fit into your back pocket, they can carry a huge amount of groceries, shoes,Olga toys, whatever! I will try to find one or two for you.
    There has also been a ban, law enforced, on fireworks in the city limits. We had a quiet fourth and the animals were grateful.

  5. That 20,000th one is interesting. I'll have to look into Flickr, as if I don't already have enough to do.

  6. LOL at Ms. Moon - I agree - a close-up of the guy in the picture would NOT go amiss :)
