Saturday, July 19, 2014

The New Table, and Assorted Other Pics

Olga, clearly channeling Vanna White, wanted to show you our new dining room set. Aren't those groovy chairs? I think we scored with that purchase, though I still prefer my Dad's table (which is now our desk).

Olga scored in a different way when we went for a walk on Wednesday. She found a brand new, unattended yellow soccer ball on one of the footpaths near the cemetery. Needless to say, she had it punctured and shredded in no time. No crying children were involved.

This has been my daily breakfast this week -- with blackberries from our back yard! We hired a gardener to come next Tuesday to weed, prune and clear some brush, but I made it clear that I want our main blackberry bush to stay. I get the biggest kick out of picking my own berries, though they are super tart -- I gave one to Dave and he promptly spit it out. He's used to those ninny supermarket berries.

The robins love our slightly tilted birdbath. We've seen pigeons in it, too. We have huge pigeons that roost in the trees at the back of the garden. As Dave said, "They're like turkeys!"

This wonderful mosaic dragon greets customers at the entrance to a dry cleaner's around the corner. I asked the proprietor and she said it's many decades old, dating from the time her shop was a grocery. Apparently it's a Welsh dragon -- I suppose the shop owners back then were Welsh. The shop also has original stained glass windows and other features. Pretty amazing!


  1. I love the dining set and the dragon!

  2. This all makes me smile. Isn't it wonderful to be enjoying the fruits of all your labors? (No pun intended, I assure you.)

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE the table & chairs!!

  4. the wild blackberries here are sour and tart if you pick them too soon. and unless they basically fall into your hand when you go to pick one, it's too soon.

    great table and chair set.

  5. Yes, the table and chairs are very cool. And that mosaic -- just wow!

  6. Really love the table and chairs, Fabulous! What a find! of course...OLGA, my heart. Your home, your life - so good!

  7. That robin in the bird bath - ha!
