Thursday, September 25, 2014

Free Grapefruit, and Inopportune Deliveries

The other day, as I was walking in Marylebone, I found two grapefruit lying in the street. More or less in the gutter, to be completely accurate. I was in an area where produce vendors store their carts and wares overnight in little garages. There were a couple of other grapefruit lying nearby, squashed by a passing car, and some tomatoes, too.

I debated the wisdom of picking up the intact grapefruit. They were lying in the street, after all. But they looked clean and fresh, so I grabbed them and put them in my bag. I brought them home, washed them, and ate one yesterday for breakfast. It was fine. I did not die. I decided I'd made a pretty good find, especially in this cold land where free grapefruit are not normally an option!

Now I'm wrestling with how to handle a different silly problem.

Dave and I ordered some bookshelves about two months ago, to replace the built-in shelves that we lost when we left our Notting Hill flat. (All our books are still in boxes in the dining room!) Well, these shelves have been slow in coming. Apparently they're made to order, so it takes a while. Finally, a few days ago, I learned that they're supposed to be delivered today, between noon and 3 p.m. I'm supposed to get at least a half-hour's notice before the delivery people arrive, enabling me to race home and intercept them.

On any normal day I would be able to get away from work. But today, wouldn't you know, I have to help a class of sixth graders in the library at 1:30 p.m.! And Dave is teaching then, too. So if the shelves come around that time, we're screwed. I can't really do anything about this problem except hope that by some miracle, the schedule works out and the shelves come earlier or later.

(Photo: Outside Lord's Cricket Ground, yesterday.)


  1. i know its rather school boy of me , but that woman looks as though she has picked up two grapefruits and popped them up her jumper
    i know
    i know
    i apologise

  2. John Gray is right about that woman. May the scheduling gods shine down upon you. How stressful!

  3. I do not know about our time difference. Don't you have a neighbor or friend that could pitch hit for you? John is so silly at times :) I was wondering about the name of the place behind her? Good luck and let us know. I know life stuff like this can be frustrating.

  4. ps it is 8:01 Alabama time as I write this...

  5. Dear me,seems like I am awful chatty today,but I just had to share this with you. I am not real sure where you are located in London but this looks like a cool thing to check out. "Nathan Sawaya" is having a showing at: Londons Old Truman Brewery. He is a world wide Lego Artist Yes Lego. His stuff is amazing and just WOW! Runs from September 26 to Jan.4th of next year. Thought you might enjoy... Last comment for today promise :)

  6. John: You know, my partner Dave said essentially the same thing when he saw that photo. (Actually, he was much less eloquent. I think he said, "That woman has huge tits!") I honestly was NOT thinking about that when I paired the photo with an entry about grapefruit.

    Mary: Thanks for the tip about the Lego artist! The place behind the woman, Lord's Cricket Ground, is a legendary athletic complex where the sport of cricket is played. (I went there for a game once: )

  7. Thank goodness Steve......I'll say tits next's more me

  8. steve, you are a practical man. and a brave one. i am glad you did not die.

  9. Ha! And eww - I don't like grapefruit :)
