Friday, September 26, 2014

Much Ado About Shelving

Well, the shelf thing worked out fine after all.

I lay in bed and worried about it Wednesday night -- how was I going to get an early afternoon delivery at home and help teach a 1:30 p.m. class about library resources at school? And then yesterday morning the delivery people called me at 10:20 a.m. and said they'd be at my house in half an hour, which was considerably earlier than their original estimate. I zoomed home from school, met them, ate lunch, played with the dog and went back in time for the class.


I guess it shows the futility of getting worked up about a conflict that may not happen. For once I am praising the inaccuracy of delivery people.

I put the shelves together last night as Dave made dinner, and they worked out well. We got them from, and although as I said I wasn't thrilled with the fact that they took two months to arrive, they seem well-made and solid.

Better yet, our books are finally out of boxes, the boxes have been put out with the recycling and our dining room looks more finished. Maybe we'll use it more now, rather than just glancing in as we pass by on our way out the front door. A squatter could set up house in there and we wouldn't know it for a week.

(Top photo: When we have actual sunshine, which is getting rarer at this time of year, we get great long autumnal shadows. There's a girl in the bottom right window, but I was zoomed out pretty far so you can barely see her.)


  1. Cool picture of shadows and light!

  2. i like the bookcase
    very stylish......
    the elephants i adore

  3. A lovely book case!
    And see- it all worked out!
    The windows in that house are just gorgeous. I love windows so much and these days, houses are built with such generic windows. Unless someone spent the fortune it takes to get custom ones.

  4. Great looking book shelves. I'm in the process of moving myself and I have developed this fear of having to live out of boxes for a while.

  5. Your elephants are cool, as are those bookcases, and I'm enjoying catching up on your comings and goings.

  6. Love the bookshelf! We're getting ready to redo our small office & that would look lovely in there :)
