Friday, October 24, 2014

Date Night

Dave and I treated ourselves to a fancy dinner last night at Galvin at Windows, atop the London Hilton on Park Lane. I got a deal on Amazon Local for a two-course dinner plus champagne for two for £66, which seemed pretty good. Of course, by the time we got out of there after having additional drinks, coffee, and a dessert, plus taxes and service, we'd tripled the bill. But hey -- you only live once, and it's almost my birthday. It was a pre-birthday celebration. Yeah. Let's say that.

The food was good -- I had a vegetarian main course of pumpkin and pearl barley -- but for me, the main attraction is the atmosphere. The views across the city through the floor-to-ceiling windows were dusky blue spiced with sparkling lights, and we could see all the way south past the Thames. I'd go back, particularly if I had visitors in town.

I've been asked to choose one of my Bleeding London photos to display at an exhibit at the wrap party on November 1. Considering I've shot more than 1,300 streets, that's a tall order! I'm going to pull out my favorites and ask Dave to help me choose. I think it's likely to be this one.

Plus, there's still this weekend to come. It's the last weekend before the deadline, so I feel compelled to get out and do as much as possible -- even though, granted, the deadline is soft and we can continue to contribute afterwards. I'm planning on Shepherd's Bush on Saturday and a couple of areas near Dagenham (far east London) on Sunday. Or maybe vice versa depending on my mood.

(Photo: Doors in Leyton, last weekend.)


  1. LOVE this photo. I am a door girl anyway. :)

  2. Good choice of photo.
    What is it that's so mesmerizing about four doors? I don't know, but I had to pause from your post for several minutes to think about them.

  3. I LOVE these colorful doors! Great shot. Your dinner out sounds great. I love dinner with a view.

  4. you don't need a reason to splurge on yourself once in a while. and I love the photo of the four doors!

  5. The accordion photo IS hard to beat!

    I wish I could have a house with four doors that I could paint different colors :)
