Thursday, October 23, 2014

I Dreamed of Africa

Yet another closed pub. We have a million of 'em here in the UK. I shot this yesterday on my lunch hour from work. Because of my weird schedule (with choral practice) I had a slightly longer lunch, so I took the tube up to the Finchley Road stop and walked briskly south, zigzagging through Belsize Park back to school. I saw this pub from a bus window several weeks ago and I've had it in the back of my mind to photograph it, so I was glad to get that done -- even though the low-angled sunlight was terrible, coming from behind the building and shining straight into my lens. That pic still needs a bit of Photoshop.

I had a nice "lie-in," as the British would say, this morning. I didn't get up until almost 7 a.m. I had a strange dream about being back in Africa -- meeting some guys on the street, having them invite me to their mosque, thinking I probably shouldn't go to the mosque since I'm not Muslim, and instead sitting with their families while waiting for the service to end. I was walking barefoot in their backyard, thinking that probably wasn't very smart, with scorpions and spiders and whatnot.

I don't think the dream means anything, except that my neurons were firing as I was waking up. I Dreamed of Africa -- just like Kuki Gallmann.

Speaking of firing, we had some fireworks going off around the neighborhood last night. I wonder if people are already gearing up for Guy Fawkes? Olga was not happy.


  1. Ha! I rarely get up before 7 AM, usually later.

  2. Yes my brain sparks up some interesting things at times. I do not know of any dogs that care for fireworks,and I have known a few.

  3. Oh my, did your mention of Belsize Park bring back memories. On one of my trips to London, I stayed at a hotel just up the road from the Belsize Park tube station. I so enjoyed heading into the city from that somewhat rickety tube station with its elevators and bridges across the tracks. On my last visit last November, I walked from Highgate Cemetery, through Hampstead Heath and down Haverstock Hill to the station. I saw that the station was exactly the same as I remembered it, elevator and all. The hotel had a new name and the restaurants along the street had changed but the tube station was just as I remembered.

  4. I had a lie-in this morning too - but I slept until after 9:00! I'm off work today & tomorrow :)

    I dreamed last night that someone was showing me all the stuff we put in our recycle bin that isn't actually recyclable. One of the items was a page from one of those page-a-day calendars. I protested mightily because paper IS recyclable darn it!
