Friday, November 28, 2014

A Rail Journey and a Quick Walk

Olga survived her train trip to the Cotswolds. I'm not sure she enjoyed it -- she panted a lot and seemed pretty wired -- but she behaved very well and pulled through with flying colors.

Now we're in Moreton-in-Marsh, which is here:

We got here about 3 p.m. yesterday and haven't seen much of the town, because soon after we arrived the sun set. We had time to check in to our hotel and take one walk up and down the main street, which looks cute in a resort-y way, with lots of gift shops, tea rooms and retirees.

Olga found a companion, and gave it a good sniff, but was perplexed by the un-doglike smell.

Our walk ended partly because the sky was looking like this:

So we retreated to the pub at our hotel for one of these:

Later we went to dinner at the hotel restaurant, which was average. Then we curled up in the room to watch Star Trek and NCIS. (Isn't it funny how we go on vacation to change our routines, and yet bring our routines with us?) I'm looking forward to more exploring today, hopefully out in the countryside. I'm really not interested in gift shops and tea rooms.


  1. Sounds lovely, Steve! I hope Olga finds a real friend to sniff around with.

  2. I love all the photos today and can't wait to see more. That area is supposed to be very picturesque.

  3. That shot with the clock tower is really nice! I keep trying to get one of ours, but so far they're just a blur...

    I'm trying to find a place to walk near my dad's house today & so far the suggestions have been nearby parking lots. Um, no thank you. We'll see though - apparently pickings are slim around here!

  4. Olga looks pretty delighted to me to be going with you instead of to the kennel.
