Saturday, November 8, 2014

Quiet Saturday

I've got nothing today! So I will leave you with this photo of a quiet street in the West End, taken last Saturday night as Dave and I walked from Covent Garden to the Bleeding London wrap party. I'd had some alcohol by that time, so all I can say is, thank goodness for automatic camera settings.

Speaking of Bleeding London, I'm going to get back in the saddle for Phase 2, which entails "mopping up" streets that we have missed. I'm hoping to get out this morning and get some of those done, perhaps as I walk with Olga toward Hampstead Heath. If the inevitable autumn rain holds off, that is!


  1. I like that shot, alcohol involved or not.

  2. Your not going to the Lord Mayor's parade? I can't believe it's been a year already since I was there. I went to that parade last year but, didn't stay for the whole thing because of the rain.

  3. quiet day here too but I'm stuck at the antique store.

  4. quiet days are great! I like to snooze, without Dexter around I can do plenty of that! The previous post is like an ad for never having a bad hair day! Kind of like dew rags.

  5. I would love a day like this...Love your photo here.
