Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A Few Last Florida Shots

I'm off to London this afternoon. And amazingly, there's only a 40 percent chance of rain today, so maybe weather won't hold up my flight!

Here are a few last pictures from the Sunshine State. The sliding door business above is in Lutz -- pronounced "Lootz" -- where my dad lives.

This might be my favorite sign in the entire world. It's in Ocala, near Silver Springs. I drove up there yesterday to visit my aunt and cousin, who I haven't seen in eight years or so, and I made a side trip specifically to take pictures of this sign. It has neon components too. I've never seen it at night but I bet it's awesome.

The lake behind my mom's house, seen from my old bedroom. I'll miss this view when the house sells. (If it sells.) I'm not saying goodbye yet, though, because at this rate, we may have access to it for a while.

My mom and I agreed, with the assistance of some of my friends, on a few changes we're going to suggest for the real estate listing. Mainly we'd like to de-emphasize (i.e. remove) the photos of the vintage 1966 bathrooms, with their vintage blue and yellow toilets front and center, and focus more on the land and the lakefront. I'm going to write the agent soon to ask some questions.

This is especially for Ms. Moon, who is always fond of pointing out that the scandalous scientific name of the wild butterfly pea is Clitoria. I was lucky enough to catch it in the middle of pollination! Such voyeurism.

And finally, early Sunday morning, I got a clear shot of this building, without that stupid white truck.

It's going to be strange to go back to real life in London. I feel like I've been here for ages, and it's been great to catch up with everyone. But I miss Dave and Olga, even though Dave has been sending me virtually daily photographic updates of the mostly-sleeping dog and the abundant garden.

Tomorrow morning I'll go straight from the airport to work in the library. Hopefully, as I sort and log an entire summer's worth of magazines, I can keep my eyes open!


  1. have a safe trip home,thank you for all the wonderful pictures & post. you are by far the best blogger i read EVERYDAY!!!

  2. I love all of this. Florida does suit my delight in the absurd and the kitschy. And the clitoria! Yes! Thank you. Our woods are full of them right now but you got an action shot!

  3. that is the very best bee porn EVER! Olga is going to be so happy to see you, go for a long heath walk, tease you with her impishness, I am sure Dave will be glad also, it does seem a long time in Florida. You got so much done and such a great lot of photos taken. Thank you for posting them, it's been delightful and weird....Florida...

  4. Safe travels Steve! I'm glad you got a shot of the Fireworks building. It's priceless.

  5. Safe travels! I've never heard the term bee porn before but it certainly describes that bloom well...

  6. some great pics here. You only have one photo each of the bathrooms so I wouldn't say you are emphasizing the bathrooms. I wouldn't remove them. I know when I was house hunting I wanted to see pics of the bathroom(s). not to show them would be like saying 'they are so icky I don't want you to see them' when really it's just that the toilets aren't white. I don't think those two pics are what's keeping people from coming to see the house. I do agree that giving more attention to the lake and outdoors is a good idea.

  7. Happy travels, Steve. Ironic to leave London, commonly thought to be always rainy (even though I know, having lived there, how lovely the weather can be at times) and go to Florida during its rainy season.
    And happy return home. I do like to travel - I guess . . - but I really love getting home!

  8. You'll need a rest! No one can catalog magazines on top of that kind of jet lag. I wish you luck with it...

  9. What a wonderful series of posts on your trip. You covered a lot of ground. Hope your mom's home gets more interest from buyers with the changes you have in mind.

  10. Ooh - it's a lovely home! Is it weird that I LIKE the bathrooms? :)
