Thursday, August 13, 2015

Back Home Again!

I'm writing this on the train from Gatwick Airport into Central London. It's a typical England day, gray and lightly rainy, and I must admit it looks pretty great after the torrential downpours and blistering heat of Florida.

I loves me some Florida -- it is my birthplace, after all -- but England is just so much milder.

My flight was OK, although I was surrounded by exuberant children. There were lots of young, tattooed, overtanned British parents on board bringing their offspring back from Disney World vacations. They kept moving around between seats as if playing musical chairs. I couldn't quite figure out what was going on -- I just kept my head down, drank my gin & tonic, and finished my book about the sinking of the Lusitania. (Maybe not the best book to read while traveling!)

The flight was delayed a bit and the lines at passport control in London were long, so I'll be a bit late getting to work. Hopefully the boss will start this year off in a forgiving mood!

(Photo: A food truck outside a Tampa restaurant.)


  1. homecoming is always good. too bad it was a workcoming instead of a homecoming.

  2. I'm reaching the point where traveling in a sealed pod, or perhaps being beamed up by Scotty, sounds the most attractive. A good book, no eye contact, and a large G & T are almost as good.

  3. happy you arrived home okay, i am sure Dave & Olga were very happy to be back to normal family life again.

  4. You sound in good spirits. Pity it's back to work so soon. You're a Londoner now, just as you were once a New Yorker. Life's lovely twists and turns...

  5. I feel bereft that you were in Florida and I didn't get to see you.

  6. WELCOME HOME! Flying straight back to work sounds are a better man than I!

  7. I'm in agreement with Marty about travel - give me my pod please! I'm flying to Philadelphia on Monday - not excited.

    I'm glad you made it safely home!

  8. Good job getting home. I hope work is okay. Best to Dave and the beautiful Olga.
