Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Cart of Books

I spent yesterday creating a book display and preparing a cart of books for 9th Grade study hall. It was hard to figure out which books would be appropriate for 9th graders -- not older teenagers but also no longer children. I wound up drawing on my own reading from those years -- "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," "The Illustrated Man," "A Night to Remember." I added a recent biography of the Romanovs, having read an older one, Robert Massie's fabulous "Nicholas and Alexandra," at that age. And I added a few books that I read when I was younger than 9th Grade but that might still work for some kids from that grade level -- "Gone With the Wind" and "Johnny Tremain."

I added some modern YA authors, like John Green, and I drew from lists of YA favorites to add some books that I haven't read at all, mainly fantasy by the likes of Cassandra Clare. I guess the idea is, kids can check out books from this cart rather than going all the way back to the library. We'll see how that goes. (I used to get yelled at for reading rather than studying, but I guess anything goes to get kids off their phones these days!)

I myself have finally begun Geoff Nicholson's novel "Bleeding London," which as you know inspired our recent Royal Photographic Society project and exhibit. I'm glad to finally read it after all this time.

(Photo: Wildlife near St. Paul's Cathedral, Aug. 30.)


  1. The zebra has caught the attention of the reflected family. What exactly goes on in that establishment?

    Ms Soup

  2. "Express book selecting."
    I like it.

  3. I like your job. Sure beats journalism!

  4. I just caught up with your posts for the last few days. I've been in California for the past 6 days and didn't get much time to read on line. I've felt the same frustration you described about the refugee situation. However, I was pleased to hear the Pope weigh in and ask all parishes and more to host a refugee family. I wonder if that will work. After all, the church is supposed to help those in need.
    The Venus fly trap flower looks so innocent.
    Your comment about sore feet after your walk around south London made me laugh. After six days of museum, beach, gallery, and garden walks I can certainly relate. Every day I started out just fine and ready to go but some time around 2:00 PM every day, my feet just began to scream for help. I wonder if it's another "age" thing. This whole aging thing is not for wimps.
    You asked about the Labor Day statue I posted. The couple is cradling a baby. I have no idea how that relates to "workers" and I couldn't find anything to explain it. Maybe it's just one generation of workers giving birth to the next generation of workers.

  5. with a last name like Abbott I usually was seated in the first seat of the first row since most my teachers seated their students alphabetically. made it hard to read in class instead of paying attention. didn't stop me from trying though and I would get called out for it. I think that's a good idea about the cart of books. I only go into the far reaches of the library when I can't find anything on the new acquisitions shelves.

  6. You should add in graphic novels ...the kids love those.
