Thursday, September 10, 2015

Four Random Photos

Not much going on around here to write about, so I thought I'd give you these four random photos. This restaurant (above) is in Kilburn, not far from where we live.

Yesterday a teacher was looking through my most recent London photo book, which is displayed on the library circulation desk. He said he thought the pictures are too cluttered. (I'm not sure he realized they were my pictures.) I find all the little details fascinating, though, you know? I mean, urban streets are not neat and clean.

For example! I found this intriguing pile of trash around the corner from our flat. At least it's classy, expensive trash.

Self-portrait with doorknob. Or half a self-portrait, though I'm so tiny you can barely see me.

And here's Olga, anticipating her morning walk, lying near my walking shoes. She was unusually bouncy this morning -- began licking my face at about 5:30 a.m. Sometimes she's just had enough sleep and she's ready to roll!


  1. Oh, I love that last one.

    Cluttered? That's a ridiculous statement. I find your photos incredible, to tell you the truth. Filled with story and humanity yet distinctly yours.

  2. WTF? Does the guy think the streets should be orderly and pristine? You live in a city and shoot what's around you...buildings aren't props...and as Elizabeth just said, your photos are wonderful. You catch a lot that others might miss.

  3. Well, we all have different sensibilities concerning photos. Life would be too boring otherwise. But your photos have so many DETAILS! I love them.
    I would never throw that Chanel bag out. It could be a gift in and of itself!
    Olga. Give that dog a kiss from me.

  4. well, everyone is entitles to their opinion. cluttered has never occurred to me.

  5. Nonsense. What does this person want?
    A photograph of ONE door?
    A photograph of ONE tree?
    That's what makes so many of your photographs so intriguing. They require more than one visit.

  6. I love your photos!

    And Olga has the more personality than any dog I've ever encountered!

    And it's your photographs that capture that so richly, so there.

  7. I agree with everyone else - that guy doesn't know what he's talking about :)

  8. Thanks for the positive feedback on the photos, everybody. I really didn't take offense at what he said -- I mean, everyone sees a photo differently, and we can't all like the same things! But I'm glad you agree that the "clutter" in my urban photos is part of what makes them interesting. That's what I'm going for, anyway! (And I do always try to keep the composition relatively neat, all things considered.)

  9. I like the details in your photos, too. And I love how Olga lies with her back legs trailing out behind her :)
