Tuesday, January 26, 2016

In Limbo: The Carlton Tavern

Yesterday I took a lunchtime walk over to the Carlton Tavern, the pub that was illegally and despicably demolished last year by its Israeli owners on the eve of being landmarked as a historic structure. You may remember that the owners were subsequently ordered by local government to rebuild the 1920s-era pub "brick by brick."

I still doubt that will ever happen, but I applaud the decision. As you can see, there's no rebuilding on the site at the moment.

Apparently the owners have appealed both their rejected plan to build flats on the property and the order to rebuild the pub. They originally wanted their appeals heard in private, but the government has ruled that they should be given a public hearing. As I understand it, part of their argument against rebuilding the pub is that the historic detailing has been substantially destroyed! The chutzpah!

Anyway, it's a fascinating and tragic case. People in the community are still on a campaign to see the reconstruction through, and I say bravo. Because as unlikely as it sounds, what else would show developers all over the city that they can't simply do whatever they want?


  1. I do remember the case and I'm not surprised that the developers have done zilch to repair their vandalism. No doubt they expect the authorities to roll over as they usually do if you wait long enough.

  2. I'm glad they got caught and now face a public hearing...I wish that would happen here but I'm dreaming on that one. How's the Groff book?

  3. Proof that it's not always better to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission.

  4. It sounds like a very Belgian thing to do. Or Mediterranean perhaps. I'm sure they were surprised they didn't get away with it. They probably would have over here.

  5. Yes, the principle should be upheld even if there's no way to fully undo the damage!

  6. I hope they make the bastards rebuild it. people with money think they can do whatever they want, that laws are made for peons.

  7. I hope the govt. stands on it's principles. Developers get away with far too much.

  8. I'm sorry, but I find it HILARIOUS that they're using that as part of their argument. What. The. Heck. Can I use a word I would never ever use in the real world? Wankers!

  9. It beggars belief that a bunch of greedy foreign developers should not only demolish the lovely old pub but when their wrongfulness has been pointed out by the authorities, their first instinct is to appeal and to challenge well-considered legal decisions. They should **** off back to Tel Aviv.
