Sunday, January 17, 2016

Winter Wonderland

Well, maybe I'm overstating things a bit! Yes, this is our first snowfall of the season. It was already melting at sunrise, and I expect it won't last much longer.

Olga doesn't like it. She nibbled at the icy grass, but came inside pretty quickly.

This was our entertainment yesterday afternoon. I'd never seen "The Blob," a movie tailor-made in 1958 for the teenaged drive-in theater crowd, and I got a kick out of it (though Steve McQueen playing a teenager when he was nearly 30 wasn't very convincing). We got 17 minutes into the film before Dave said, "Jesus Christ, this movie is slow." But by the end we were having a great time making fun of it -- and have you heard the groovy theme music? (Be sure to hold out for the vocals at 1:08.)

Aside from French class -- which went fine, though I am very rusty after just a few weeks off -- I barely went outside all day. I owe Olga a serious walk today, though I'm sure the heath will be mud-o-rama.


  1. I'm watching Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp right now (my daughter's morning choice) - there is frost on the garden but our snow hasn't stayed. Still I'm not burning to go outside in a hurry.

  2. Does Olga have a winter coat? Too bad Wellies aren't made for paws...I'll check out The Blob...raining here...Enjoy your walk.

  3. "Beware of The Blob" would be a catchy way of educating dog owners so that they pick up the faeces that the rest of us tread in.

  4. heavy frost, no snow, spring buds and birds totally confused. The music from the BLOB is hilarious, Blob as a sitcom, mischief maker, that rascal! Olga's toes are probably in shock, why have you done that to her yard!?!?

  5. Oh my goodness, that theme song is soooooo 1950's!

  6. Good grief. I remember being allowed to walk up with my big sister to the movie theater two blocks away to see this. But not before going into the drug store next door to pick up my Sky Bar.
    The 1950s weren't exactly the high point of cinema.

  7. Maybe Olga would like MORE snow (like the storm we had last night, about 8-10 inches) because you can actually have FUN in that! Or maybe not - she has a pretty short coat.

    The music to The Blob is very catchy. I listened just once, and now it's caught in a loop in my head.

  8. Same sort of snow here, too. I am not going to take it seriously, keeping fingers crossed.
    Well, you certainly went wayyyyy back in your movie choice.

  9. Olga does look a bit worried by the snow. My cats are hilarious in proper snow, all ridiculous exaggerated steps and vigorous paw shaking. I wish it would snow a bit more as today's showing was not up to much!

  10. First snow of the season in New York City today. Just a light dusting so far but cold enough to stick.

  11. The Blob! I saw that when I was still at school and was terrified.
    Then I watched it again ten years later and thought it was awful. What a difference ten years makes.
    Ms Soup

  12. Oh, gosh. That WAS fantastic opening music, and I noticed the credit read "Steven McQueen." I don't remember him ever being anyone other than STEVE McQueen, do you?

  13. A great film that gave me an interesting post and a comment from the producer's son that led to a follow-up post on Blobfest 2012.

  14. i love all the windows in your living room! (or whatever you call that room)

  15. I was 8 when The Blob came out. my parents wouldn't let me see it because they were afraid it would give me nightmares. I don't think I have ever seen it.
