Tuesday, February 23, 2016


I was walking Olga yesterday morning when I noticed these little water droplets on some moss growing atop a brick wall near our house. Even though I was running late, with about a million things to do, I had to stop on my way to work and take pictures!

Back when I lived in New York, I occasionally browsed in a great shop in Soho called Moss. Maybe it's still there. They had shelves of overpriced but really interesting, artistic gadgets and tchotchkes. I don't think I ever bought anything there, though.

When it comes to moss, I prefer the real thing.

The first day back after a break is always a bit of a shocker. Lots of materials coming back to the library, a week's worth of magazines to be catalogued and racked, preparations beginning for the days and weeks ahead. I had a crazy, frustrating morning -- which isn't worth going into in detail -- but things evened out later in the day.

I mailed off my absentee ballot yesterday, so my vote for the presidential primary is in. Despite his win in South Carolina, I can't get too worried about Trump. I still don't think he can be a serious contender and I think he can be nothing but good news for the Democrats. I hope I'm right!


  1. I look at the photo and totally understand why you are a member of that exalted society of photographers, whose name I can never remember.

    Ms Soup.

  2. Beautiful photo. Why do I never spot things like this? :)

  3. First time to comment, but I love reading your blog. Whenever I've been in London, I've walked -- and walked and walked -- but obviously never as thoroughly as you have.

    Hope you are right (and I think you are) about Trump. The biggest worry now is if his continued presence convinces Michael Bloomberg to run; MB could siphon off votes, as he would be haven for those who can't do Trump but don't like Clinton.

    Thanks again for a very enjoyable read.

  4. so glad you stopped to take that picture! it's incredible

  5. I hope you're right too.
    Amazing photo.

  6. gorgeous photo. and if, by some horrible turn of fate Trump does get elected I think he's going to be in for a big surprise. being president entails a lot more than giving speeches.

  7. Wow, Steve that photo is fantastic. I love it.
    I hope you are right about Trump. I heard a comment yesterday that he originally got in the race as a lark but when he started leading in the poles he got serious and decided to stay.

  8. You have introduced me to a new word! "tchotchke" - I had to .look it up but I doubt that I will be using it any time soon. I prefer the English "thingamabob" which has pretty much the same meaning.

  9. Great photo of moss. I've been there a million times coming back after a break!

  10. I think this is my favourite of all your photos I've seen to date.

    And I hope you're right about Trump. I cannot wait for the time when he does not have the pulpit he currently has from which to preach.

  11. I have nothing but respect for a person who takes the time the appreciate the beauty in small ordinary things.

    I sure hope you're right about Trump.

  12. Gorgeous photo! It would make a great Facebook cover photo :)
