Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Shelley and Iowa

I passed this building on my walk through Soho on Saturday and noticed the blue plaque on the front. In London, blue plaques like these denote buildings of historic or cultural significance. In this case, the plaque says that poet Percy Bysshe Shelley lived here in 1811.

No doubt Vasco and Piero had not yet moved in -- although it looks like they've been there a while, so who knows?

It's kind of funny that the building gets a plaque because Shelley lived there for one year when he was 19. An urban bachelor pad, maybe, or since this was the year of his first marriage, perhaps a starter apartment for the young couple? The plaque doesn't say.

Let me just say: If I ever become famous -- which seems increasingly unlikely -- I'm not sure I want the equivalent of a blue plaque on my first apartment in Tampa, where the downstairs neighbor let her dog poop in her living room, the next-door neighbors fought loudly in Spanish and the guys across the courtyard lounged around in their underwear with the curtains open.

So what do we think about Iowa? My take is this: It doesn't matter much. Among the Republicans, neither Cruz nor Trump are electable in the long run, and my prediction is that history will relegate them to the ranks of Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, who also won Iowa in years past. Marco Rubio is the more serious threat to the Democrats, I suspect. And on the Democratic side, Bernie did well -- but as much as I like him, I don't think he's electable either.

This is just the first tally, and it's not representative of the big picture. I think people -- mostly the media -- get way too excited about it. I think ultimately we're going to wind up with Rubio vs. Hillary, and that will be an interesting battle.


  1. Wasn't your first apartment demolished? As for the presidential race, I'm hoping that Bernie gets a toehold as no other candidates appeal...

  2. No, my second apartment was demolished. I like Hillary, personally -- I'd be happy with her.

  3. The media have given oafish Trump far too much airtime. They are largely responsible for his prominence. But with regard to Percy Shelley...
    Oh, lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!
    I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!

  4. Local councils award themselves blue plaques to stake a claim to historic importance, no matter how tenuous!

  5. I try and fail to understand the US election procedere.

    And I did try. Seriously.

  6. I'm with Sabine- I do try. I do. Still don't understand.

  7. I agree with you about the Iowa results. I can tell you one thing that is driving me mad, hearing Trump supporters say "He tells it like it is". Basically, they really are saying "I totally agree with his moronic drivel."

  8. No doubt her qualifications are through the roof as are her loyalties to monstsanto, Goldman Sachs, and big Pharm. and other corporate lobbyists- She is a hawk and a player...status quo...more of the same. This country is fugged anyway so let's just take it farther down that road, If the Republicans "win" , women will have to go back to hangers and church...No win. I agree that Bernie is far too scary for most umurikuns to appreciate. his policies would be tampered by congress though, just as Obama's have been. BUT, he is moving in the right direction and odds , media. politicians, stacked against him the entire way...the people recognize this amazing opportunity for change and have supported him- kept up with the corporate power packs for Hillary through donations of 35 bucks each. That speaks volumes.

  9. Being used to our electoral system in Canada, I find the American system very confusing! Caucuses vs. primaries, delegates, super-delegates, bounded and unbounded - why yes I HAVE been reading up - it still gives me a headache. Why so many different rules?! It'll be interesting to see how things go. At least I don't think we have to worry about Trump winning. And I hope I don't regret tempting the gods with that statement.

  10. I saw a video today saying Canada for President - I think we should seriously consider it. They guy said they could do it in shifts :)
