Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Perfect Day in Nine Pictures

We had a spectacular spring day yesterday, sunny and bright and warm enough that I didn't need my jacket. Olga and I seized the opportunity to go to the Heath.

On the way we detoured through the Hampstead churchyard and visited the artist John Constable, who would no doubt have done glorious things with all the bright spring daylight.

We also stopped in Hampstead so I could take a picture of the somewhat campy sign for this posh boutique. I've always gotten a kick out of it.

At the Heath, we saw our first bluebells of the season...

And tiny new leaves were emerging on the trees.

But while some trees were coming to life, others were succumbing to age. We found that this huge old tree had collapsed on top of the bench where the guitarist sometimes sits. You can barely see the bench amid that tangle of branches. I certainly hope neither he nor anyone else was on it at the time. (There's no evidence to that effect.)

Olga found more evidence of past fallen trees. She also drank out of that puddle. (Ugh.)

A little dog named Merlin tried its best to play with Olga, dashing and darting and running circles around her. (I know its name because its owner was futilely calling to it, trying to get it to stop.) Olga was completely disinterested. She only wanted her Kong.

And we found another bit of history on a remote muddy path. Who knows how it got there? I brought it home and added it to my collection.

A perfect start to Spring Break!


  1. Aw. Yes. Perfect!
    That sign reminds me of the fifties or sixties. Love that sort of graphic. So "Bewitched."
    Isn't spring wonderful?

  2. Wow, what a fantastic day you had. It looks so clear and bright it makes me wonder what the view was like from Parliament Hill.

  3. Spring break over here too! My daughter and I are going to Orlando to float on a lazy river! I got such a kick out of that photo of Olga playing hard to get with that eager Merlin.
