Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Une Voiture Violette

I came across this fun little Citroen while out walking Olga over the weekend.

"This is not a car...it's a living artwork."

With a sticker of Asterix and Obelix on the back trunk, it's clear that this car is owned by a Francophile.

I just put some food in the bird feeder and I'm watching a trio of pigeons who are so fat they can't even bring themselves to eat it. They're just sitting on top of it, eyeing the food protectively. Every once in a while a jay swoops in and steals three or four peanuts before flying away.

Olga is still doing battle with the amaryllis. This morning it was knocked over again. I'll be amazed if the flower stalk survives long enough to bloom. Clearly she went after some creature outside the back door last night -- probably a fox or a squirrel.


  1. Love the aubergine shade of this car...

  2. I like the way they took the trouble to paint the wheel caps as well. Lovely attention to detail.

  3. sounds like you need to find another place to set the amaryllis. and cool car, even the wheel wells.

  4. I remember seeing a Citroen in Winter Haven once. It was red but aside from that- it looked a lot like that one. It seemed like an alien car.
    Yep. Time to move the amaryllis.

  5. The purple car is certainly and eye catcher. I'd certainly take a look at it.

  6. I think the owner would enjoy your photos of his/her colorful car. You've created a work of art from the living artwork.

  7. J'adore la voiture!! La voilette est une de mes couleurs preferees.

    I thought I could write that without using an internet translator, but my high school French was too rusty. I couldn't think whether it was "une de mes couleurs" or "une des coulerus de moi"! Also, didn't have time to learn how to put the acute accents on the "e's" - excuse, please! But it was fun to think about this for the first time in many years :)

  8. I LOVE THAT CAR!! Really - purple is a favorite color of mine & I have a thing for little cars like that :)

  9. theeze eez uh bee oo tee fl otto mo beeel, non? ( that is my excellent French!)

  10. Mine was baby blue with white stripes (the stripes I did myself). What a car, we drove all the way to Sicily one summer, another year up to the North Cape in Norway.

  11. Indeed I love the sight of my car and how he sparks joy and happiness for others too.
