Sunday, June 26, 2016

LGBT Pride

Yesterday was the annual LGBT Pride Parade in London. I went with my coworker Chris, and had a great time capturing the energy and diversity of the day (which fortunately wasn't too rainy, despite forecasts to the contrary).

There were ecstatic people on floats...

...and colorful people in the crowds.

There were people of all religions...

...and all ages.

There were interesting shoes.

There was a pro-Europe subtext, sometimes subtle...

...and sometimes not.

And there were always interesting fashion choices...

...and beauty in many forms.

Chris and I spent several hours watching and walking the parade route, before adjourning to pubs in Soho for a couple of pints. A terrific day!


  1. Excellent photos! Just reading about the impact of Brexit on Florida...Stay tuned...

  2. What a superb mini-gallery Steve! You have captured the character of the celebration in a quirky manner. Most engaging.

  3. And what a good time for this celebration. It stares down the looming uneasiness this whole Brexit climate you described in your earlier post.

  4. You captured some great photos from the event. That make-up job in the last photo is pretty spectacular and I love the lady in the 1940's clothes. She looks like she just stepped off of a movie set. Those shoes are pretty amazing too! Great fun!

  5. Love the photos, especially the final two!

  6. Did you see the lively video with the policeman ( very cute) propsing to his boyfriend amid te cheering crowds

  7. Pride parades are some of the most colorful and energetic.

  8. just catching up with you- in shock over BREXIT, such a horror - who knows what may come of that decision! Anyway, go rid of Cameron and that is a good thing,and the dollar is stronger against the pound. Missed the Pride parade today in Seattle, spent the day on the ferry coming back from Victoria- and when you and Dave come for a visit you will have to go up there. Love the photos from Pride! Excellent.
