Thursday, June 9, 2016

Only Four Left!

I've just spent a half an hour with an online weed identification guide trying to figure out what our back garden mystery plant could be. I've had no luck. Meanwhile, our fox just trotted past the back door and now Olga is on red alert.

Yesterday was our last day with students at school. I managed to get all our library materials back except four books, which is pretty good, I think. (And those four kids will take care of the problem when school resumes.) I was calling parents and sending e-mails and badgering kids in the hallways. And just when I think I'm being such a nuisance that no one will ever be able to stand the sight of me, a student will ask me to sign his or her yearbook or give me a thank-you card or say to me, as one graduating senior did last night, "Thanks for everything, Mr. Reed. You're a great librarian."


Anyway, now I have to start in on the faculty and staff. I have two days to collect materials from them, and a four-page overdue list to work through!

Last night I picked up my newly-elasticized Doris Shorts from the tailor. He did a great job! Now, at least, when I'm walking around the garden in what appear to be boxers, they won't also look like they're about to fall off.

(Photo: A monument to Queen Victoria in Highbury, North London, on Sunday.)


  1. I hope those Doris shorts don't frighten the fox!

    Ms Soup

  2. London? I was guessing that clocktower as in germany!

  3. Good luck with the teacher's books! I wager they'll be trickier than the kids!

  4. Does your mystery plant smell when you rub it between your fingers (better wear gloves to protect from allergic reaction)? Did it show blossoms last year? Could it be a kind of ragweed? Show that photo to a local nursery and bring parts of the plant, maybe they can identify it.

  5. Good heavens! Your school shuts down in early June? As I am sure you know most schools in England close for summer in late July. You lucky devil! Good luck getting the stuff back from the staff - you may need to phone their parents too.

  6. Once lovely payback about working in a school is just when you start feeling a bit sour about your fellow man, a student will unexpectedly drop a sweet comment your way.
    I so remember my frustration with members of my English classes when I tried to drill into them the concept of libraries. As entertainment for the others, several of them would inevitably list the number of books they'd taken out and not returned.

  7. Why are there pylons on the clock tower? I have a plant in my yard that looks sort of like yours. Like giant celery? I have no idea what it is.
    Ah...the last days of school. I am sure you ARE a great librarian!
    Check out the clock tower in Cozumel. It's in El Centro.

  8. I love seeing your photos of the fox. It still seems so strange to me to have foxes roaming around the streets of London.

  9. The end of the school year is always hectic and then you go home and crash for a week!

  10. so the teachers are as bad as the kids about returning books?

  11. You did very well to get the list down to four! And random thank yous are a wonderful thing. You know they come straight from the heart.

    Yay for shorts that stay up :)
