Sunday, November 20, 2016

Autumn Heath and Home Improvements

I took Olga to Hampstead Heath yesterday, where the autumn colors are starting to trend more toward brown. She and I weren't able to take a long walk last weekend, and she was bouncing off the walls yesterday morning, looking at me with expectant eyes. How could I say no?

But wait, you ask -- didn't I have French class yesterday morning? Well, yes, and I really did intend to go. I got dressed, ate breakfast, got my books together and walked to the tube station -- only to realize I'd forgotten my wallet, with my farecard in it. So there was nothing to do but walk back home, and by the time I did that, all enthusiasm for attending French (there wasn't much anyway) had subsided.

Taking Olga to the Heath seemed like a much better option.

And Olga agreed.

Meanwhile, this is going on in front of our house:

The water company came and dug up the street -- something about replacing a clamp on a leaking pipe or something like that. It doesn't really affect us much, but the work has blocked in the car of our upstairs neighbors. I hope they weren't planning to drive anywhere soon! Yesterday the labor crew came and filled in a lot of the hole, but there are still barricades and they say the work will be finished later this week.

Today we have a guy coming to trim the shrubbery in the back garden. It's more than we can handle, given our limited access to garden tools and ladders, and we haven't had it done since right after we moved in. This guy put a flyer through our letterbox several weeks ago offering his services as a tree trimmer, so we gave him a call. He barely speaks English -- he's Eastern European and looks so much like B-movie actor Tor Johnson that we call him "Tor," at least when he's not around. (He goes by Nick.) Anyway, it's supposed to be rainy this morning so he may not show, but I hope he does. We definitely need to whip things into shape in the garden. One of the neighbor's climbing rose bushes is tumbling over the patio fence like a tentacled B-movie monster, and Tor Johnson is just the man to defeat it.


  1. That picture of Olga and the trees is remarkable! You are so talented, Steve.

  2. You played hooky from French? How does The American School deal with kids who play hooky? If any of them read this blog they'll be able to retort, "Well Mr Reed from the library plays hooky too!" It will be a great excuse.

  3. I'd leave the climbing rose tendrils if they bloomed. my gardening style is best described as barely contained chaos.

  4. I agree with Elizabeth- that photo with Olga in it is pure glory.

  5. We don't get much of a Fall her ein Houseon (today might be it, actually), so I ove these Fall pics. The way Olga is sitting on that carpet of leaves is really a great capture of the season!

    I'd say this in French, but it sounds as though you're not taking the proper steps to understanding that.

  6. Now that's a classic excuse for not going to French class. It ranks up there with the dog ate my homework, but Olga wouldn't eat your homework.

  7. I LOVE that photo of Olga in the leaves and among those trees. That is gorgeous! I also enjoyed seeing your street again. You live on such a pretty street.

  8. After reading your title as HEALTH instead of HEATH (three times), I spent the whole post waiting for bad news or at least some mention of annual doctor visits or such. I was glad to finally figure out my error. And count me in on loving that shot of the tree trunks and Olga!

  9. Gorgeous autumn photos! I can generally be talked out of going to any kind of class without too much effort. Fortunately (?) I haven't signed up for any classes lately :)

  10. AAarrgh! Red beat me to the 'dog ate my homework' comment.


  11. Those are some pretty fancy-schmancy trees you've got over there! I like the ones with the green trunks. What are they? - Kathy
