Monday, November 21, 2016

Taming the Monster

Well, Tor did show up yesterday, despite the rainy weather. We set him loose on the monstrous shrub next door, and he took care of the problem.

We went from this:

To this:

While I am normally a naturalistic gardner, preferring things growing somewhat wildly as opposed to super-manicured, that bush was getting way, way out of hand. We could barely even use the patio. We are so happy with Tor's trim job.

(Incidentally, I warned the neighbor's gardener we were going to cut it back to the fence, and he said it would be fine. It's apparently a notoriously vigorous plant. He says he trims the neighbor's side every two weeks.)

Tor also took care of some trimming elsewhere in the garden, and then I raked all the leaves from our walnut tree. Autumn clean-up: Check!

(Top photo: A leaf from our Japanese maple on a broken piece of garden pottery.)


  1. That old fire surround would look nicer affixed to the fence with a small garden mural where the fire should be. You could even paint coals with flames leaping out or alternatively greenery and a couple of flowers. It would be both attractive and quirky.

  2. That is an excellent trim job. I'd say Tor might be a keeper.

  3. I have one teeny weeny criticism of your delightful garden concept. With all those flower pots on the table, where on earth do you place the G&Ts? Priorities darling, priorities.

  4. Shrubs near the neighbor's fence often cause problems. So now you know you'll have to trim often or persuade the neighbor to trim on your side too.

  5. Sorry Ms Moon, I was terribly slow to catch on. I wish I'd thought of that one.

  6. Looking good! Reminds me I need to do some cleanup.

  7. Unlike YP, I think you should use the fireplace as a frame for a barbeque!

  8. I have to say it does look much better.

  9. My wife is like you, preferring the natural look. But, as you said, that bush was getting way out of control.

  10. Tor DOES rock!

    Lesley, never fear -- when in need, we are quick to shuffle aside those plants and replace them with the appropriate beverages. :)

    And Red, it seems the rule is that each person takes care of whatever's on their side of the fence -- even if the plant originates on the other side. Hence, Mrs Kravitz cut a limb off our walnut tree because it extended over her yard. She apparently has that right. It's a thing.

    We like that mantelpiece, or surround, whatever it's called. We found it leaning against the back garden wall behind the shed and decided to put it in a more prominent place. It weighs approximately one ton. (I may be exaggerating slightly.)
