Monday, February 13, 2017

Oscar Movies

Olga and I often pass this house on our morning walks. I've always found the marble wall and front walkway a curious addition.

This photo was taken Saturday, and you can see flecks of snow falling. Yesterday's weather wasn't a whole lot better. It was definitely an indoor day. We seized the moment to walk over to Hampstead and see one of several movies we've been wanting to catch in the theater: "Manchester by the Sea," which was terrific. Casey Affleck entirely disappears into his character, and although it's slow-paced it's deeply moving and quite beautiful to watch. It's not everybody's thing, though -- I overheard one guy emerging with his wife saying, "That was terrible!" She replied, "Oh, I thought it was alright."

Even Dave liked it, though, and that's saying something for a serious drama. Recall that he did not feel the same way about "Boyhood."

So, one down, and a few more to go. I definitely want to see "20th Century Women," and I think we should see "La La Land" since it's probably going to be the big thing at the Oscars. Dave is interested in both "Arrival" and "Passengers" as well. The fact that all the good movies come out at once, in order to be fresh in the minds of Oscar judges, is quite annoying.

I slept more than nine hours last night! I feel like a new man!


  1. You feel like a new man? Don't tell Dave! He'll be quite upset... but I guess he'll get over it.

  2. I wish I could feel like a new woman...sleep envy! Enjoy your day!

  3. That marble wall is a bit disconcerting.
    I can't remember the last movie I went to. I'm sure that Bill Murray must have been in it though.

  4. I'm really behind the times. I haven't seen one Oscar nominated movie. I am interested in seeing Arrival and Hidden Figures. Instead I saw a ridiculous play called "Baskerville" and the musical "Matilda" this last weekend. Neither were worth the time spent.
    What an interesting house you've featured to day.

  5. I liked both Arrival and Passengers. I want to see the movie about the black woman who did the calculations that sent the first men to the moon. can't think of the name right off hand.

  6. I hate to admit that I don't watch movies. I'm going to have to change that sometime in my lifetime.

  7. A good sleep does that to a person!! Enjoy all those movies, even if they are crammed into a few weeks :)

  8. I adore house the city you can do it so much more

  9. I haven't seen a movie in a theatre in years. We watch what we watch on DVR's from Netflix but even those sit around for weeks at a time before we get around to them.
