Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Rooster Express, Part 6

Longtime readers may remember that when Dave and I first moved to London in 2011, I was photographically infatuated by the rich variety of fried chicken restaurants. (Examples here, here, herehere and here.) These restaurants always have red and/or blue signage -- it's apparently an unspoken industry rule -- and their names often refer back to the southern USA.

Here's a good example with an unusually cumbersome name that I came across Sunday in Camden. I wonder if they had to pay by the letter for that sign?

And I wonder how "new" Tennesseeland differs from "old" Tennesseeland? Was there even an "old" Tennesseeland? Questions to ponder.

Anyway, what can I say about yesterday. It was Monday, and I was back at work. It may not seem like it but we're already on the downslope of the school year! (That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.)

I've tried to write a politically-themed post several times but I just don't have it in me. It brings me down and I know it would bring you down, too. Rest assured I'm thinking about it all, worrying about the stability of the American government and cringing every time I open The New York Times web site.

I'm pretty sure voters in the real Tennesseeland love Donald Trump, though.


  1. Do they still have Wimpy's in London??? A new question to ponder and if you find one, please take a photo...

  2. Shouldn't you have written the FAILING New York Times website? Regarding the word "New" above the chicken shop sign, I guess it is plonked there because in crude advertising psychology, everything "New" is good.

  3. Perhaps the "NEW" part of the name is due to the fact that they changed the grease in the chicken fryer.
    Just a thought.

  4. Oh yes! I echo the first comment's question - I remember eating at Wimpys all the time when I lived there briefly as a kid in the 1960s.
    And as for politics, it's been just a TAD of an adjustment coming from blue, blue Massachusetts to here in Trumpland.

  5. Had the same thought as Ms. Moon - they changed the grease? One thing I've never seen down south, though, is peri peri. What is that?

    In other news - I have friends in strong resistance groups in Tennessee, so not everyone is a T***p supporter (thank heavens). Of course, they're in cities, not rural areas.

  6. Tennessee land brings the word tacky to mind. I guess the same word could be applied to Trump.

  7. I wonder, did no one ever think to flour and batter chicken and fry it before the South and why it has become so synonymous with the South. As for the politics...it's a shit sandwich as one contender for the National Security post said as he refused the appointment.

  8. On that trip to London when I stayed at a hotel in Hampstead, the hotel was right across the street from a Kentucky Fried Chicken place. I remember thinking it was a bit odd to see such an American icon on the streets of London. Clearly, southern fried chicken has real following with the British.
    Yesterday, I had to take my car in to get the air bags replaced (part of that huge recall) and the guy who drove me back home, turned his radio from a music station to a conservative talk radio station on the way. Then, when he picked me up to take me back to get my car he did the exact same thing. It made me think that he wanted me to understand that he was a pro-Trump sort of guy. I didn't say anything one way or the other. The talk show guy was saying what a crime it was that the liberal government turned Washington and Lincoln's birthdays in to Presidents Day. The outrage. Then he went on to say how kind the press was to Obama and just look at how awful they treat Trump. I was so glad to get out of that car.

  9. I like the term "photographically infatuated" as it expresses perfectly why I have so many MANY pictures of the bare treetops against the sky! Somehow they don't usually come across well in photos but in real life I find them intriguing.

    I thought I'd be writing more about politics than I am, also. But with all the time I spend reading about it there's not enough time to write about it too. I was so uninformed about world politics it's been an uphill struggle to educate myself. And it branches out from politics to other global issues. I'm lucky to have the time to read it all, but I'm sitting far more than I should be!

  10. 46% of voters in my conservative SC county voted blue in this past election. I think we're slowly gaining ground in even the most backwards states!

  11. I had never heard of Peri Peri either but Googled it and learned that it is some kind of Portugese hot sauce, which they apparently cook their chicken in. Sounds good to me.
