Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Deconstructing a Cadillac

Yesterday was not a good lunch day in our cafeteria at work. Mushroom stroganoff -- which tastes good, but looks like a pool of lumpy brown goo. Dave, ever erudite in his assessments, said when I sat down at our lunch table: "That looks like a big pile of sick." The alternative to the stroganoff was a shiny, viscous-looking hamburger that I couldn't bear to look at, much less consume.

Normally our lunches are pretty good. The stars just weren't aligned yesterday.

I think I've solved my problem about what to do with the items from our garden shed that are too large for the trash bin but too small to call the council to take away. When I walk Olga in the morning, I'll take one item with me each day, and I'll put it in a dumpster along the way. It's not really the correct thing to do, I suppose, but I figure just one item a day won't get anyone's hackles up, especially when spread among different dumpsters ("skips" to you British readers). We'll be rid of it all in a week or two.

When I told Dave my plan, he likened it to the Johnny Cash song about the man who works in a Cadillac factory and takes a part home each day in his lunchbox to build himself a car. I'm simply reversing the process!

(Photo: A party supply shop I passed on my walk home from work yesterday evening. I photographed the devil here a couple of years ago.)


  1. An interesting array of colors in that photo...Good luck with clearing your stuff...skip by skip by skip...

  2. You should skip to the skip - then passers-by won't register your furtive behaviour.

  3. We hope to have lunch in Dishoom this afternoon!

  4. Colors and plans and a pile of sick.
    Oh, life.
    May today's lunch make up for yesterday's.

  5. sounds like a plan to me. I did a similar thing when we lived in the city. my husband is a pack rat. throws nothing away. so for a while, I was putting one thing in the trash every week. got rid of a lot of stuff. he never noticed anything was gone.

  6. I think you have a good idea to get rid of the big stuff. I have always liked Cash's Cadillac song.

  7. Great idea on the dumpster/skip plan. I bet a lot of burgers were eaten by the kids yesterday.

  8. Now I want to go listen to that Johnny Cash song.

  9. Sounds like a plan! I hope none of the items are very heavy :)

  10. If those handles are wooden you can use them, with a bit of cutting, as garden stakes for anything needing support in the shrub line.
    Or even as missiles, to throw at foxes who dig up the garden.
    Then again that presumes you have a saw to cut them.

