Thursday, March 2, 2017


The Fourth Graders at school created this art project based on the still-life paintings of Wayne Thiebaud, famous for his colorful renditions of common objects like desserts and gumball machines.

I particularly like the Rubik's Cube!

We don't have students in school today or tomorrow because the teachers are having conferences with parents. It's probably going to be a slow day in the library. I'm thinking I'll work on shelf-reading, as I've been finding a lot of wildly out-of-place books lately...


  1. Sounds like a plan...Are you allowed music if the kids aren't there? That always helps me work faster. I love the kids' artwork. How long will it stay up?

  2. The teachers have days allotted to parent/teacher "conferences"? Hell, in all my teaching years they just slapped such meetings on to the evenings after school. Sometimes I didn't get home till ten or eleven at night. I always resented this so I think your school's arrangement is much better. BTW I loved the kids' collage.

  3. That is AMAZING!!!!
    What talented kids!

  4. cool art project and fun for the kids. so how do those books get misplaced? the kids move them around just to give you something to do?

  5. It looks as if the kids had a lot of fun with this project. It took me a few moments to find the Rubik's Cube though.

  6. Wow, I'm impressed. That really is amazing and so colorful.

  7. That seems to be a very precocious young lot.

  8. That is an impressive piece of wall art. Seriously. And it looks great in that space.

    Enjoy reading the shelves! I had thought briefly of becoming trained as a librarian, many years ago. Putting things back on the proper shelves was, strangely, both a draw and a deterrent. It seems a bit like the plight of Sisyphus but taps into my love of organizing. Which, incidentally, does not extend to my own belongings.

  9. Beautiful collage! And those red chairs set if off perfectly.

  10. Neat stuff for fourth graders.

  11. A riot of colour. I missed the Rubik's Cube entirely but I did not miss the scissors, nor the vase of flowers.

    Scissors and flowers - an indispensable part of my life.

