Sunday, July 23, 2017

Olga's Summer Day

Olga had a busy day yesterday! We went back to the main part of Hampstead Heath, where we hadn't been since well before I left for Florida. (According to my blog search function, the last time was June 3. Can that be right?!) It's definitely looking more late-summery there, with the long grass turning dry and the rosebay willowherb (aka fireweed, a much better name in my opinion) and ragwort blooming. I love that purple/yellow combo.

Anyway, Olga ran to her heart's content. This was immediately after she went for a visit to the vet. She doesn't mind the vet -- in fact, she gets treats there, and sometimes she tries to pull me in that direction. She pretty much demands to go.

We took her because she acts somewhat stiff after long walks, and Dave wanted to get her joints checked. She also has a skin nodule on one of her legs that I thought should be evaluated. (No doubt because of my own recent experiences!) The verdict is that her joints seem well and the skin nodule is small and not connected to anything, which is a good sign. So we're going to simply monitor both.

She weighed 24.8 kilos, or almost 55 pounds. She's put on a bit of weight -- another reason to get her to the Heath!

The bill for the exam came in at £45, which I suppose isn't too bad, and I'm happy that she doesn't need anything more.

After our Heath romp, she got a bath and a special marrow bone from a restaurant where Dave and I went with our coworker Lisa and her boyfriend on Friday night. This was a hip little place in Hackney with amazing grilled meat. Olga loved her bone, which admittedly probably didn't do her weight any favors!


  1. Did the hip little place in Hackney give you a hip bone? WOOF! WOOF!

  2. And, why no photos of herself with this post? She is, after all, the world's most photogenic canine...

  3. Book a sight test straight away "e"! Olga is in both pictures. It's like those "Where's Wally?" (Waldo?) books. Where's Olga? Oh yeah, she's there!

  4. LOL -- indeed, she is in both pictures, E. Just no close-ups. :)

  5. I'm glad to know that Olga checked out fine. She's like the rest of us- just getting a little older.

  6. It's always good to a check up even for dogs. It almost looks like you had the heath all to yourselves.

  7. Now I can not get "nick nack paddy whack" out of my head. When I took Dexter in to the vet, even if just to humor me, nothing wrong really, the bill was at least double what you paid. Because - America. Olga is one hefty pooch, and looks to be in fine shape- good parenting.

  8. love that last photo. wish I had someplace near like that.

  9. Olga always looks cheerful and raring to go. I'm glad everything checked out okay.

    I get so anxious when I know I have to take one of our cats to the vet. They don't like it, I'm nervous on their behalf, and I was blindsided once by bad news and have never forgotten it. Ugh. I have to take our male cat in this week and am not looking forward to it! (They have dog treats but no cat treats, by the way - but cats would probably ignore treats anyway :))

  10. Olga is a big dog. I'd never know that from the photos.
