Monday, July 24, 2017

Garden Engineering

We've had some storms recently, and the winds knocked down our tall teasels. As I've mentioned before, these two plants are huge -- the tallest is about eight feet. So bracing them upright is no easy matter.

When they were shorter we could simply prop them up with a stake. But now, as you can see above, we've resorted to tying them to nearby plants with twine. So far, so good.

It's strange that they need this extra support because the teasels at Wormwood Scrubs grow upright all on their own. Maybe ours have too much nutritious compost or something.

Olga, by the way, was barking at me as I took this photo because she wanted to play with her new Kong Wobble toy, sent by the generous Linda Sue. The toy has a heavy bottom and is meant to be filled with treats, which the dog accesses through a hole in the side. It's a bit like a Weeble -- remember those?

Anyway, Linda Sue sent this thing months ago and I don't know why, but we never got around to giving it to Olga until yesterday. She is indeed enthusiastic about it (as she is about anything involving food or playing) and I'm sure she'll spend many hours trying to figure out how to get those treats out of there. (She hasn't quite figured out that she doesn't need me to help -- she can play with it on her own!)

Also a couple of garden updates. Remember the rescued foxglove, which we were rooting on our windowsill for a while? It's gigantic now. It's evidently not going to bloom this summer -- I guess that comes next year. (I've read that foxgloves bloom in their second year.)

And here's the rescued fig tree, all leafed out and doing well on the side patio. I'm so happy with how well this plant has prospered!


  1. What's that pile of crap next to the rescued fig tree? Did you rescue that stuff too?

  2. You guys have resurrected beautiful plants from the dead! If you had a business, you could call it Plant Jesus!
    What a nice thing for Linda Sue to send Olga! I'm sure she'll learn to love it and it will give her many happy hours.

  3. I had a fig tree in my classroom for about 15 years. It was a great plant. Kids used to run into it once in a while and tip it over.

  4. Love seeing your rescued plants there. It's always so nice to give a plant a second chance to leaf out and thrive! Good luck with all of it.

  5. You truly are the plant doctor. All of your plants are so full and lush. What a gift!

  6. I think the garden engineering with string is an excellent idea. And congratulations on the thriving fig and foxglove.

  7. The fig tree is looking so good! I'd be happy with results like that, too.

    Very nice of Linda Sue to send Olga a new special Kong. Olga will get the idea after a bit, maybe get TOO good at it :)

  8. Everything so lush! I like all that green wildness.

  9. I suspect all that English rain helps your plants. We put a rather scrawny mint plant underneath the faucet at the back of our house and the daily dripping after I've filled the bird bath has made it lush.

  10. your garden is always well tended, you are the best tennants! The fig looks wonderful, love the leaves- I have only seen them in marble. OLGA, bless the little pooch! So glad you finally gave it to her and that she almost likes it on her own- that was the idea!

  11. Yay for the fig tree! And Plant Jesus! Hahaha
