Monday, July 10, 2017

More Dramatic Skies

We're in that rainy time of year. Every afternoon the skies darken and open up, and we get a toad-strangling rainstorm followed by a temperature drop of ten or fifteen degrees. Yesterday we had a couple of them, and in the evening my mom and I went out on the dock to check out the dramatic clouds over the river.

There wasn't much color in the sunset, but it was still impressive. It's hard to not be impressed by a Florida sky.

Yesterday morning I hung out with my nieces. We watched the animated movie "Trolls," and I thought I was going to have to suffer through a tedious, shallow, juvenile film, but no -- it was good! It was visually fascinating, with colorful, glittery characters and sets that looked as though they were made out of felt and colorful fabrics -- even though I'm sure they were all digital -- and it used a lot of great pop songs from the early '80s. And Christine Baranski, who I love, did some of the voice work. I'd watch it again.

Then we went to lunch with my stepsister and her husband, who drove up from Tampa. We went to a restaurant that calls itself a "fish camp" on the other side of this stretch of river, even though it is quite swanky and air-conditioned and nothing at all like a real fish camp. Fish tacos!

I got a text from Dave, back in England, saying that Olga "took a bite out of a fox"! Which scared me to death, but then he said neither were hurt, so maybe it wasn't a bite so much as a snarl. She chased the fox down the side of our house and the fox hopped the fence. Dave said he was in the kitchen and the commotion scared him. I'm glad I missed that!

Oh, one of you asked which river I photographed from the air on my approach to Jacksonville the other day. It's the St. Mary's River, which forms the border between Florida and Georgia. Took me a while to figure that out.


  1. Oh dear, I do hope that the darling little fox is okay after being attacked by that blood-crazed brute! I think it is time for a reliable muzzle. Go here:-

  2. when Minnie finally cornered the juvenile possum I thought she had gotten caught in a bear trap from the sound of her. scared me to death. we used to get summer rains and I wish we still did but the weather patterns have changed.

  3. Your shots of the sky look so much like they could have been taken here, so far north! Hoping that Mr. Fox got away before losing any of his suit. had Olga gotten a hold of him , there would be quite a mess to deal with, I'll bet!

    Sounds like a lovely visit with kin , so far. Happy Day!

  4. Wonderful sky shots today! I'm hoping the skies start to cloud up around here. It's starting to look like our monsoon season is approaching but nothing exciting has happened yet.
    It's funny how you think you are going to be bored by a kids movie and then you really enjoy it. That's happened to me a couple of times.
    I wonder if that fox will ever come back now that it's encountered the full wrath of Olga.

  5. Such beautiful skies you are seeing there. Always so nice when the rains come and cool things down. Hope the fox got away unscathed and doesn't return for any further interactions with Olga. Enjoy your Florida days!

  6. Great sky shots...I too hope the fox escaped harm...Thanks for the review. Kid films are better than they used to be. Say hi to your mom for me.

  7. Those brooding skies are beautiful.

    Anytime I hear an animal altercation, it is terrifying! There was something (or more likely, two somethings) snarling in the bushes in back of the neighbour's yard a couple of nights ago. It sounded like serious business. Glad neither Olga nor the fox appeared to be hurt.

  8. Florida certainly does have beautiful skies. Especially as seen over the water.

  9. Are you getting in the fact you want to return to the states?

  10. Gorgeous skies! I'll bet Olga was pleased with herself for chasing that fox off.

  11. St Mary's River - thank you, and a border as well as a river.

