Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Beach, and Mrs. Stowe

We had to take Mom's car in for servicing yesterday, so we made an afternoon of it. My brother met us at the Acura dealer, where we dropped the car, and the three of us drove in his truck to Jacksonville Beach. We had lunch at a trendy Mexican place, with flashy margaritas and tacos that no true Mexican person would recognize. (I had one made with blackened shrimp and a pseudo-Southern one with black-eyed peas and fried green tomatoes. I also had a refreshing margarita made with ginger beer -- maybe Reed's?!)

Then we walked out to the searing, white-hot beach, where I lingered just long enough to take a picture of the water. The red flag on the lifeguard's stand means "strong currents" -- in case you were thinking of joining us for a swim.

We got back into the air-conditioned comfort of my brother's truck and drove up through Atlantic Beach, exploring the neighborhoods, and just as we were considering what to do next, the dealer called and the car was ready. Back to Acura we went. Now there is no foreseeable reason that Mom and I should have mechanical difficulties driving to Savannah today. Knock on wood.

Someone near my brother's house has turned several of the street signs into bats! Gotta love the creativity.

And speaking of creativity, remember the groovy painted rock I found several days ago on a table at Mom's retirement center? When we walked by the same table yesterday morning, it was still there. Clearly it was meant to be adopted -- by me. So I did.

Here's the modest Harriet Beecher Stowe Community Center, which is near my mom's apartment. Stowe, the abolitionist author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," bought land near the St. John's River the year after the end of the Civil War and helped launch a school here, among other things. She used to sit out on the riverfront and wave at passing steamers, or so I've been told.

We did some reading about Stowe yesterday, thinking we could go see her house. Sadly, it's apparently no longer standing. But we did run across an interesting account by Mark Twain, who lived next to Stowe in Connecticut at the end of her life. Apparently she got a bit dotty in her old age:
"Among the colonists of our neighborhood the doors always stood open in pleasant weather. Mrs. Stowe entered them at her own free will, and as she was always softly slippered and generally full of animal spirits, she was able to deal in surprises, and she liked to do it. She would slip up behind a person who was deep in dreams and musings and fetch a war whoop that would jump that person out of his clothes."
I know it's not exactly a happy image -- dementia and all -- but it's kind of endearing to think that Stowe had so much fun shaking up her neighbors. Never one to shy away from controversy!


  1. Savannah is a lovely town. When we were there in 2002 we had lunch in Mrs Wilkes's Boarding House. It was excellent and at that time Mrs Wilkes was still alive, sitting in her chair with her staff rushing around serving her famous southern lunches. We had to queue to get in.

    Address - 107 West Jones Street. The lunch period lasts from 11am to 2pm. Get there early.

  2. I haven't been to Savannah since my Girl Scout troop visited there when I was a young 'un! No idea why not. It's not that far from us. Enjoy the city! I know it's beautiful.

  3. Are you Savannah-bound as well? Have a great time. I'm enjoying your adventures from afar!

  4. I am picturing a tiny Harriett sneaking into peoples homes. Wonderfully funny!
    Scenery looks amazing.

  5. So striking , the beach photo! WOW!. I realize that it spells danger - all of that gorgeous red/orange! I would wear that! Also approaching Harriet's frame of mind in my old age so if seen coming , in that bright orange, people might stand a chance. Old age can be fun.

    Love the bats!

  6. I love that beach photo. You framed it perfectly. However, I'm a little concerned that there isn't a shade umbrella above that chair. I hope that lifeguard has some heavy duty sunscreen on.
    I loved that story about Stowe. I hope she didn't give anyone a heart attack. Have a great road trip!

  7. The strong currents necessitating the red flag made your picture simply perfect.

  8. Somehow it's comforting to know that even a sharp mind can fall prey to old age and dementia.

    I hope that's not a man bun I see in the beach picture! lol

  9. That's such a wonderful photo! I love lifeguard stands and towers -- they are the quintessential beach accouterments, I think! I'm glad that you're having a good time -- stay cool!

  10. Top Photo. Top photo - what more need I say.

  11. Well this post sent me down memory lane. Mike & I used to like to visit Ripley, Ohio, a famous stop on the Underground Railroad. Rev. John Rankin used to shelter fugitive slaves in his home, and while he was visiting a seminary he told the story of one of the women, which Harriet heard & then used to base her Eliza on. I never wrote about that on my blog, but I did post about another "conductor" in Ripley, and showed a picture of the Rankin house: http://danabugseyeview.blogspot.com/2010/05/john-parker.html

  12. The painted rock: This fad has hit our small Kansas town. Paint a small rock, clear coat it, sign and date and place somewhere for someone to find. That someone "can" paint one of their own and put it for someone to find - not exactly "hide" - often along walking trails, etc.
