Friday, August 18, 2017

Happy Hour

It's a quiet morning, with rain coming down outside and Olga lying next to me on the couch, softly snoring. She's definitely not clamoring to go for her walk.

Caffeine, a la today's photo, is exactly what I need. (And believe me, I'm having it now.) I went out to a pub with my work colleagues last night, and let me just say, I may not be at my most effective at work today. It was a good bonding opportunity, but at the expense of some valuable brain and liver cells.

Work-wise the day went well. I was shocked at the amount of construction and renovation work going on at the school when I visited a few weeks ago, and the library was a wreck. Workers were digging around in the ceiling, running cables for something or other. So I'm glad to see they were able to pull everything together on schedule and we have a clean space in which to operate once again.

I spent the day checking in books and cataloging and updating all our magazines -- nothing very exciting. We've got some furniture rearranging to do as well, and lots of re-shelving. Don't you wish you were me?

(Photo: Kilburn High Road, on Wednesday.)


  1. Sorry Steve but I don't wish that I was you. Chewing gum, using "sidewalk" for "pavement", saying "Howdy!" or "Hi y'all", walking like John Wayne and getting drunk with a bunch of librarians... no way! I would rather be me.

  2. Who says animals are silly. Like Olga the cats know when the weather is bad like this morning. Tom loves the rain, it means he doesn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to let them all out. lol

  3. Well, you know, if I HAD to have a job (and I do realize how lucky I am that I don't) I think being a librarian would be okay. I've also thought that perhaps I could be a laundromat attendant. Who knows? We never know what a job is like until we do it.

  4. I do. I worked in a book store back before I started my studio. liked the job but hated my boss who was a real asshole.

  5. I, too, rather envy your job (your entire life, actually)- and it sounds like the weather is right on target for entering the school year. The farmer's almanac predicts this to be one helluva winter!

  6. Interesting that one old guy is wearing a winter coat and the other guy is wearing a tshirt.

  7. I always wanted to work in a library, but I don't have a good temperament for dealing with the public (and not just because of my Resting Bitch Face - ha!). You, on the other hand, seem ideally suited.

  8. your job sounds peaceful and collegial. and your love works right down the hall. yes, i wouldn't mind being you, except for the being me part, lol

  9. Sounds like a very good beginning to the new school year. That includes the night out at the expense of brain and liver cells!

  10. I bet I would enjoy doing your job. Being a Virgo, organizing things gives me great satisfaction. I wonder why I enjoy organizing some things but I can't seem to keep my own desk organized. Hmmmm...there must be a tiny chink in one of those genes.

  11. Oh, those nights in the pubs and the havoc they wreak with the next day.

  12. I love hearing animals snore, even though I suppose it may mean they have ... sinus issues? soft palate issues? sleep apnea? I don't know :)

    I think that having an inside job is awesome on a bad weather day!

  13. I actually do wish I were you today. My secret fantasy is to be a librarian. Please switch with me and be me.
