Thursday, August 17, 2017

Walking in Kilburn

Went for a walk yesterday morning through Kilburn, not too far from where we live. It was good to get out, get some exercise and take some photos. My goal was to go check on the rebuilding of the Carlton Tavern, which is supposedly underway. I'll update you more fully on that another time -- not that there's much very visibly going on at the site.

In the afternoon I had a massage, and it was one of the stranger massages I've ever received. The therapist used some devices -- a bamboo roller thing and a metal thing shaped a bit like a crescent -- and at times it felt like he was doing laundry on my back, using my ribs as a washboard. It was not a good feeling. I belatedly remembered having the same therapist last year and hurting then, too. I gotta stop going to that guy.

And now, I've got to get the heck out of here and go to work!

(Photo: Kilburn, yesterday.)


  1. I'm sorry you had a lousy massage but I gotta tell you I laughed out loud - I think it was the way you wrote it :) Have a good first day back - it's both the easiest and in a way the hardest unless you are a real keener and lurve your job!

  2. Heigh ho! Heigh ho! It's off to work Steve goes!... Roll on Christmas!

  3. If you ever did another blog you could call it "Walk About."
    If there's anything more frustrating than a message which hurts, I'm not sure what it is.
    I hope your first day back goes smoothly and well.

  4. Have a good year at school. There are days when it's very stressful but most days are rewarding.

  5. I prefer shiatzu massage you keep your clothes on

  6. I read your description of the massage out loud to Roger. We laughed and groaned. Yes, definitely find someone else. Sending you good wishes on your first day back to work.

  7. I hope you are having a good first day back at work. I agree, it sounds like that therapist is one to avoid. I think a good massage should make you feel relaxed afterward, not aching.

  8. Perhaps you should persuade your partner to take up massage.

  9. the worst part of a massage is having to get up, get dressed and walk or drive back home.

  10. I love the ears on the chimneys - your massage therapist sounds like S&M a little bit...perhaps he has hopes.
