Friday, October 13, 2017

No More Mystery Egg

Remember that mysterious hard-boiled egg that I found on the couch in the library? Well, I remembered to bring it home yesterday afternoon.

(It was still in its shell, by the way.)

I peeled the egg and we called Olga into the garden for her treat. To the best of my knowledge she's never eaten a whole egg before, but she knew right away it was something she wanted.

She gingerly took it in her mouth, put it on the ground, put it back in her mouth, put it on the ground again. It took her a little while to figure out how to eat it.

But once she started, there was no stopping her!


  1. In the last picture it looks as though Olga is about to vomit the egg across the garden at high velocity.

  2. Look at that girl!! Sweet Olga. She's so cute! But why didn't you peel the egg for her?

  3. YP: Olga the Egg Cannon!

    Jennifer: Oh, I DID peel it for her. I wouldn't give her an unpeeled egg. (Though she'd probably eat it with no problem!)

  4. Awwwwwwwwwwww. Thank you for photo-journalizing this event. THANK YOU. That is one sweet dog, and I hope that egg was the canine equivalent of caviar (although I guess dogs would like caviar, too, if given the opportunity. Hmmmm...could that be the subject of the next photo essay?).

    I'm quite smitten with your dog.

  5. And she didn't even ask for salt!

  6. I've now got a huge smile on my face. What cute photos! Especially that second one with her ears all perked up and at such attention. Fabulous shots.

  7. as i've said before, olga needs her own instagram account!

  8. Olga meets the egg and makes a meal of it! Go Olga!

  9. I actually think she looks blissed out in that last picture. And now I want to go boil an egg - but I WILL require salt on mine!

  10. How I LOVE that last photo - sitting here chuckling at the happiness on her face and your perfect description!

  11. Winnie used to steal goose eggs......George once ate 23 eggs in one sitting
    He shat himself silly

  12. I love the last picture. Such a funny face!
