Saturday, October 14, 2017

Visitor Parking

On our walks this week, Olga and I have passed this van, a vintage Renault Trafic converted into a camper of sorts. It's got character, doesn't it? Like the French equivalent of an old VW bus.

It's also covered with jaunty, but very faded, stickers. These must be a record of the places it's been -- in this case, Euro-Disney, I'm guessing?

This poor guy is crawling and swinging all around the margins...

...while Marilyn, feeling blue, looks on with a sultry expression.

Don't most people talk to their pets? I certainly do.

You can just see a hint of the missing red pigments in this cluster of stickers.  It's weird how the reds and yellows have vanished so thoroughly from all of them. I wouldn't have thought our weak European sun capable of such fading!

I think whoever drives this van must be just passing through, as it's not a normal fixture in our neighborhood. I hope they pick up a few new stickers while they're here.


  1. I'm so happy you are still blogging and photo snapping ♥️ I adore you still! Xoxo!

  2. A few new stickers?... "I Love West Hampstead"... "We've Been 2 Putney"..."As Photographed By Steve Reed for National Geographic"...

  3. Yes! It does have a certain panache about it! The little ninjas or whatever they are make me giggle.

  4. Amazing that this thing still runs!

  5. Love seeing an old camper/van like this there. Good to know people are still traveling around like this everywhere.

  6. Hopefully no more bullet holes like the one in the second picture from the end!

  7. I love it! It looks like it's been to a lot of interesting places.

  8. It's when the cat starts talking back that you need to be afraid.

    I love the old vans. The new kind are just not the same.

  9. cool van. wonder what stories it would tell. perhaps you can find a cool sticker and leave it as a gift under the windshield wiper.
