Thursday, November 30, 2017

Grumble, grumble, grumble

I finally upgraded the software on my iPhone the other day. It's been nagging me to upgrade for weeks now, if not months, and I finally got sick of the nagging so I did it. But has that put an end to the nagging? NO. Now it wants me to install Apple Pay and to use the iCloud and I just want to tell my phone to LEAVE ME ALONE.

This is the same way I feel when the bank calls me to tell me more about Premium Banking. They want me to use their stupid app, which I have yet to download. They called a few days ago and began asking me all sorts of security questions, and I said, "But you called me. I should be asking you security questions." I told them I could do without their information.

I swear, I am becoming so grumpy.

In the holiday spirit, however, I joined the giving tree at work, in which we select a tag with a needy child's name on it and give them some small gifts. My child, Hasan, wanted a set of Sharpie markers and a certain book. Although I have doubts about the wisdom of giving a 7-year-old a set of permanent markers, I ordered everything on Amazon. So that's done.

As for my family, I've proposed to my brother that we skip gifts, and since I won't be in Florida I don't think I need to worry about anyone except my nieces -- I'll send them something. I'm not sure yet what to do about my mom. Maybe I'll just send cards and take everyone out when I visit in the spring.

I did buy one gift for Dave and me -- our now-annual donations to the American Civil Liberties Union, Planned Parenthood and the Southern Poverty Law Center. As long as Trump is in power, we're supporting the forces working against his insanity.

Adding to my overall grumpiness, when I walked to the tube yesterday morning, a veritable waterfall was rushing along West End Lane from what appeared to be a broken water main. I had to jump over it, and I didn't quite succeed, and my right shoe flooded with water. I walked around the rest of the day with a wet foot.

By the time I came home, the water had stopped flowing and construction crews had dug up the roadway (above). So maybe by this morning things will be back to normal. Urban hazards!

(Top photo: A pub in Southwark.)


  1. "The Lord Nelson" looks like a typical, quaint country pub - the sort of sight that draws overseas visitors to our green and pleasant land. By the way, I noticed that you dodged the Trump far-right video tweets issue. Are you going soft on Trump?

  2. So. How are the burgers at The Lord Nelson? At first I just thought that maybe The Lord Nelson was an extremely merry apartment complex.
    Christmas. So far I've been working the denial angle. It's working about as well as all of my denial strategies, which is to say, not very damn well.

  3. I was editing photos last night when I got a notice that my Mac needed an upgrade. I wanted to finish my editing before I did it but, the thing slowed down to a snails pace and I realized it was doing the update without me saying it was okay. Technology is so frustrating. The iPhone thing that drives me crazy are all the text messages from Facebook saying "did you see..." or "your friend has...." I've turned off Facebook notifications but, they still come. I wish they would leave me alone. If I want to look Facebook I will.

  4. It's okay to be grumpy once in a while. When it comes to Trump we could be more than grumpy all the time.

  5. I like your holiday spirit: ACLU, SPLC, and Planned Parenthood. Nice to see we give gifts to the same folks. We don't use our iPhone to connect to iCloud, Facebook, or 99% of the time anything on the internet unless we're on the road. It's too invasive and nutty for our ancient tastes. We don't use iCloud at all, even though it bugs us and bugs us to sign in. Grrr... most of the updates are crazy.

  6. Two guys (at least) working in the trench and two or three supervisors standing watching. Reminds me of roadwork in Mexico!

  7. I'm getting grumpier with bad behaviour generally

  8. When grumpiness is a rational reaction to provocation, it's no longer grumpiness. That's what I tell myself, anyhow :)

    Wet shoes are the pits.

  9. Oh man, I’ve got to start thinking about Christmas gifts. I have some, but still need to figure out what to give Mike & my dad, & my brother. Typical - I never know what to give the men in my life. Maybe I’ll give them a new job for me!

    I’ve been extra grumpy today. Understandable, maybe, but I think it stems from one stupid thing: I’ve eaten EIGHT super double-stuffed Oreos. Sent my blood sugar haywire.

  10. Would that there was a possible update for my draggy iPhone 4! Count yer blessings young fella. Hee! -Kate

  11. Grumpy? No, but I can understand feeling intruded upon by your phone providers and I would probably feel the same. I like your gifts for you snd Dave, very necessary and a great way not to buy stuff no-one needs or wants.

  12. I recommend adult coloring books for everyone left on your list. I love them. They are the best. If that’s not enough Include colored pencils❣️I’m sorry about your shoe. That just sucks.

  13. I am incredibly depressed over the state of the country and it's making me grumpy, as well. Are you sure that was your bank calling you? Is the UK as rife with telephone scams as the US is? Your Christmas present selections are just wonderful, thank you for doing that.
