Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Simpsons Van

I found the Simpsons Sky TV van parked in front of our school a couple of weeks ago when I went to work. I've photographed it before, but this time I had a chance to take pictures all the way around.

The Sky TV guys were standing next to it at first...

...but then they obligingly moved out of the way. (They probably didn't want to be in the shot anyway.)

Sky is a cable network partly owned by Rupert Murdoch's Fox empire. Murdoch has been trying to take over all of Sky, which has caused regulatory concerns in the UK. (We had Sky when we first moved here but it was a nightmare and we cancelled it.)

I could stand a lot less of Rupert Murdoch in my life. Who doesn't like the Simpsons, though?

In other news, I'm encouraged by Prince Harry's engagement to Meghan Markle. It seems like pretty solid evidence that the world is moving forward when an English prince (albeit one unlikely to ever take the throne) can marry a biracial actress with the Queen's blessing. Thank goodness for progress.


  1. Miss Meghan is all the talk here in Los Angeles, where she hails and went to the local Catholic high school in my neighborhood! I have to admit that I'm charmed by the two of them -- way more than the others.

  2. Many English people, myself included, refuse to have anything to do with Sky because of Rupert Murdoch - a business bully boy with far too much undemocratic clout. Sky has stolen so much live sport from terrestrial television stations. It is a disgrace.

  3. Those guys look a bit mean, I think I would have been a bit wary of asking them to move, lol

  4. I'm as charmed as Elizabeth and you by the prince and the American actress. Yes, the world is indeed moving forward. A woman I know, who was interracially married herself, said she especially loves the union because "it's pissing off all the right people." I admit I laughed.

  5. I, too, find the engagement a charming and lovely thing. Do you suppose that Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson are spinning in their graves?
    So. Jerry Hall married Rupert Murdoch. This absolutely freaks me out. I'm not sure why, exactly. But to have been married to Mick Jagger in his prime and then to go on to marry that old troll? Do you suppose that money has anything to do with it?

  6. perhaps the world is moving forward but the US is moving backwards. Personally, I have zero interest in the lives of the
    Royal Family.

  7. I like the van but, I'm totally with you on Murdoch. His view of the world has little to do with true democracy. I too was tickled by the Prince's engagement. Did you ever see the movie or play King Charles III? I was reminded of things from that movie/play.

  8. Between Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers, the news is being run by a bunch of self-interested lunatics. Nice van, though. Good news about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

  9. I'm happy for Harry and this Meghan looks like she'll perk up the Royal Family some. I don't think I've ever watched more than a few seconds of the Simpsons.

  10. I'm happy for the royals. They get some bad press and they always get press of some kind which must be a hard way to live.

    Love the Simpsons van!

  11. That Simpsons van is very fun. We’re always quoting the Simpsons around here: “I can see through time.” “Stop saying that! Stop mocking me!” “Twizzlers are not a sprinkly!”
