Friday, December 15, 2017

Gutter Angel

I found this little gutter angel on one of my walks with Olga last weekend. Looks like someone's holiday school project got lost!

Yesterday was our school faculty and staff party. We cleared out the library at 3:30 and the catering staff brought in wine, beer, mulled wine, and cheeses. Several servers walked among us with hors d'oeuvres, and for a couple of hours we all mingled and talked. (Well, I did -- Dave bailed on the party and went home early.) There was a faculty/staff singing group, but I didn't join them this year -- at least not formally, though I did my part when it came time for audience singing. Even on "Frosty the Snowman," which has to be one of the lamest Christmas songs ever.

After work I stopped at the store and bought wine for my library coworkers. In past years I haven't given them anything and I often get cards or little gifts from them, so this year I figured I'd better pony up. I stopped at Sainsbury's because I wanted a specific red zinfandel I'd bought there in the past, but I couldn't find it -- and then I began wondering if maybe it actually came from Waitrose. Oh well. I just bought what was available!


  1. Frosty the snowman
    Knew the sun was hot that day
    So he said
    Let's run and
    We'll have some fun
    Now before I melt away

    Frosty was so selfless. He was prepared to die in order to give those children some true happiness. He was a true American hero. I am surprised that President Trump hasn't tweeted about him. After all this is not FAKE NEWS!

  2. The school project either got lost or tossed.
    Lord but you seem to be having a very celebratory Christmas. Presents and parties and everything! Just reading about it make me feel anxious.

  3. christmas is a big non-event here. at my house I mean. I even skipped the garden club christmas party yesterday though not by design. it slipped my mind and while my sister did remind me in time, I did not have a gift for the exchange and Rocky showed up just then to do the punch list and get his last check.

  4. I would put some other Christmas songs in the Frosty the Snowman category...I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus.

  5. My work group had it's holiday party yesterday too! You reminded me that I was going to tell you about a sparkling wine I saw at the wine store (not one that was on the tasting menu) that was from England. It had a very hefty price tag, around $170.00. I couldn't imagine an English wine worth that much money so I looked them up. It's from a place called Nyetimber and they have a wonderful web site with lots of information and several little videos. They do look like they produce some quality wines. The highest price on their website was about 60 pounds which doesn't come close to $170.00. Now I think I should go back to the wine shop and see if I can figure out why the price is so high. I'd also like to know how they even got the wine because the US was not listed on the export list. I do think the winery would be a great place to visit. It looked beautiful.

  6. The visuals of that angel say " sadness" to me

  7. What will they think of next. First, massages. Then, wine and beer. Sounds like a very happy library!

  8. I love your school system. Our public schools are never, ever allowed to have alcohol on the premises, regardless of the time or the event.
    Not a fan of modern Christmas songs - I'm either sick to death of them, or they're annoying - - or both.

  9. Too bad about some small kid's art project...very sad.

  10. The wine for your co-workers should even things up nicely! I imagine it went over quite well.

    You could find the owner of that angel--just carry it around and compare it to every little girl you see!
