Thursday, December 14, 2017

Jumper Politics

I'm feeling guilty for not going home for Christmas. Dave is convinced that it's right for us to stay here, and I am looking forward to having time with him and Olga to enjoy the season in London. (And to enjoy the company of my friends Kevin and Brent, who will be visiting.) But I also hate to miss two free weeks with my family. It's a drag being so far away.

I'm going to go back to Florida in February. (In fact, I should just commit and buy my ticket, which I haven't done yet.) But I only have a free week then, versus two free weeks over the holidays.

It's a tricky situation when your family wants you home (at least I assume they do but I could be completely wrong!) and your partner wants to stay put. I don't blame Dave -- we've traveled every year since 2011, so we're due a Christmas to ourselves. I totally see his point. But the pull of familial obligation is strong, especially with my mom getting older.

Oh well -- it's just a few more weeks, really. We'll all survive. And I'll have time to spend with Dave and Kevin and Brent and hopefully also take some walks and explore Christmastime London.

Tomorrow, our last day at school before the break, is "Christmas Jumper Day" -- and here's the one I'm wearing. Newly purchased, just for this year!

I asked my boss whether I'd get in trouble for wearing a jumper -- which is British for sweater, God knows why -- with a political message. She didn't seem to think so, especially since there's an element of humor in it. I'm sure virtually everyone at our school who is in a position to vote is a Remainer, anyway.

(I took that photo in a school bathroom, by the way, and I went to great lengths to make sure you couldn't see anything unsavory. Kind of like how, back in the day, TV production authorities would never allow toilets to be shown on television. You're welcome.)

(Top photo: A pub near Kingston, Southwest London.)


  1. Love the jumper, and hope you'll enjoy your time with Dave and friends.

  2. I also love that jumper and I am most relieved that you were not taking a wee-wee when you snapped that picture. February will arrive sooner than you think. You'll have to Skype the family on Xmas Day.

  3. You look so handsome! And I love your jumper.

  4. Christmas is just a day. It's not magical. It'll be okay. You'll go see your family in February and that will be good.
    But I know- guilt. The gift that keeps on giving.
    I love your sweater. Jessie asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I said, "An indictment, an impeachment, or a resignation."

  5. I love the sweater! I think it's perfect! You will have to let us know of any reactions. I can understand your feelings about family and the holidays. They just seem to go together. However, I for one will be looking forward to some Christmas in London shots. And you are right, February is right around the corner.

  6. I liked to go home for Christmas when I was younger but when I had kids it was too much of a good thing for my Mom. Since 2008 we,ve been alone for Christmas.

  7. Love that jumper! I also really appreciate what Ms. Moon wrote. In fact I should just copy and paste her comment right here!

  8. Well, we're glad you're going to be in London during our visit.

  9. Oh I'm with you on the familial guilt. I still have it even though we're now living so close to our fathers. I just need to chill! If that works, I'll let you know. Ha!

  10. I THOUGHT that looked like a bathroom (or loo). I like the sweater and the anti-Brexit message.

  11. Great jumper. And always nice seeing your face!

  12. The best sweater, jumper. May your wish come true.

  13. I know you miss your family especially with your mother aging but I agree with Dave. I'd be tired of traveling over the holiday too. it will be nice to spend it at home and relaxed. christmas does not make any visit more special.

    well, the British are out of it. christmas sweaters are no longer the 'thing'. now it's matching pajamas for the whole family including the cats and dogs.
