Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Non-Newsy Day

Not much news today. I did stop at Homebase last night to pick up a new flower pot, and this morning -- once it gets light outside -- I'll try to rescue a few of those plants that the storm sent crashing to the ground. (See yesterday's post.)

Otherwise, seriously, I have nothing. You don't want to hear about the kid I banned from checking out any more computer chargers (because he never returns them even close to on time and lost at least one), and you don't want to hear about me having to e-mail numerous parents about their kids' overdue books. Such is my life as a librarian!

Still no progress on the oven repairs. I called our flat's managing agent Wednesday, and he said he had my e-mail and someone would contact me in a day or two. Thursday passed with no word, so I called and e-mailed yesterday and heard nothing back. For the weekend, at least, we're not baking or broiling anything!

(Photo: Brick Lane, East London.)


  1. Just thinking about your final comment (not being able to bake or broil anything) made me realize how little I actually use my oven ALL the time! Mostly I buy deli chickens at the grocery store, or use a non-stick frypan to cook meat on top of the stove. Clearly I am not a gourmet cook!

  2. A mini-oven which is portable, would solve that problem!

  3. I am disgusted by the attitude of your letting agents and in turn by the attitude of your landlady. I would put a large wager on the fact that these people have working ovens in their own homes. You and Dave pay a huge rent so your part of the agreement is fulfilled but they are not jumping to it to fulfil their responsibilities. There must be some form of legal redress that you could consider. By the sound of it the oven may simply need a new element. Not a big job.

  4. I can't imagine being without an oven for the length of time you have. I use mine all the time this time of year.

  5. The best thing about renting is that these problems are the responsibility of someone else. You are not getting that service and as YP pointed out, you are keeping up your end of the bargain and it's time for those lazy scoundrels to keep up theirs.
    Which I am sure you know.
    I'd hate not having an oven although during a power outage I did discover that I can make cornbread on top of the stove. Perhaps Dave should experiment with camping techniques.
    Hope you get it all back soon!

  6. we (ha! the only time I use it is to make an occasional pie as Marc is the cook) use ours quite a bit. Marc likes to slow roast meat. perhaps you should tell your managing agent that since they are not fulfilling their part of the rental agreement you will get a repairman in to fix it and then deduct the amount from your next rent check.

  7. You've gotten great advice here about how to respond to the truly unacceptable disregard for your non-working oven. Good luck with it all. I hardly ever turn on our oven, except to make granola and roast some veggies. But when it is an essential part of your meals, it needs to be addressed ASAP.

  8. Perhaps you and Dave and Olga should picket the management company's office for a few hours, with notice given to the newspapers and television stations. Who knows? It might work.

  9. Sometimes there's a lot in those nothing days.

  10. I've had a day like yours
    The Prof is away and I've worn my Jim jams all day
