Saturday, January 20, 2018

Deposit from a Distance

My mom mailed Dave a check for Christmas, which was very nice of her. But we were left wondering what to do with the check. We could take it to our British bank and deposit it, but then it gets converted to pounds and we lose money on the conversion -- and I think there might be some kind of fee, too. So I had resolved to set it aside and take it back to Florida when I visit in February, and deposit it there in our American bank account.

Then I got to reading online and learned that you can deposit a check electronically. All you have to do is take a picture of it, front and back, with your phone, and submit it to the bank via an app. So I did that, and voila! The check has cleared. No fees, no conversion, nothing.

It's mind-blowing to me, but I'm glad it works!

In other news, there's a committee at work putting on a "global festival," in which we all celebrate our diverse backgrounds and that sort of thing. They asked employees to recommend books that tell "our stories," so I recommended "Cross Creek," by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. It's long been one of my favorite Florida books, and although it was published a quarter of a century before I was born, I still recognize the state where I grew up in its pages. I had to include a little cautionary note about it being a "product of its time," because Rawlings' descriptions of her black neighbors make some people angry these days. Hopefully one or two people will read it. (I thought afterwards that I probably should have chosen "The Yearling" instead, given that it is a young adult book and is somewhat under-read these days -- but oh well.)

My recommendation and the others will be depicted on a poster or book display or some such. I'm honestly not sure yet.

I hope Marge, in The Great Beyond, appreciates the publicity!

My tooth is feeling better, and my antibiotics run out today. But I'm still not feeling quite right -- kind of achy around the lower face. I guess it takes a while for the remnants of the infection to clear. As long as I'm cured enough to get this root canal done in ten days -- that's the important thing!

(Photo: Shopfronts in West Drayton, London, a couple of weeks ago.)


  1. I will be looking out for that book (Cross Creek) now. Lord, I remember The Yearling. I was in third grade (seven going on eight) and the bookmobile was visiting our country school. The librarian on the bookmobile was somewhat concerned ("wouldn't you rather choose a book from over HERE, dear?") but I wasn't giving up that big fat book for anything ... I don't think I got everything out of it that I might have if I'd been older :)

    Keep an eye on that pain. Er, wrong figure of speech? You know what I mean. If there is any infection left I don't believe the dentist will want to do the root canal. I could be wrong about the universality of that rule, but that's what my dentist says.

  2. It is surprising that your book choice wasn't "Freddy Goes To Florida" by Walter R. Brooks. I am sure that many of your students would be enthralled by this novel in which Freddy and his friends from Bean Farm migrate south for the winter, with every mile of the way a terrific adventure complete with bumbling robbers and a nasty bunch of alligators.

  3. I think that jenny-o may be correct and if, in a day or two, that tooth is still bothering you, call the dentist. More antibiotics may be needed.
    As to MK Rawlings- you know I adore her. Good choice!

  4. I will tell my daughter about the check deal. I hope it works in the states.

  5. call me old fashioned but I don't do any sort of banking electronically. if I had to pick a book, I have no idea what I would pick.

  6. We've done a few check deposits that way. Well actually Roger does them, I just worry that it seems crazy to send pictures of checks across the internet. It works though, it really does. Hope that infection clears up completely. Take care there.

  7. I might have chosen any of Carl Hiassen's comic crime novels but then . . .

  8. I know exactly how you feel about your long distance banking transaction.....and I'm an ex-banker!! It really does amaze me how much banking has changed since I became one all those many, many years ago. My very first job at a bank was posting those checks as they came into the bank to people's account ledgers in a big machine that I assume does not even exist any longer. Lord knows what that machine was called, we just called it the posting machine. I'm pretty certain that within 5 to 10 years of that job, the job no longer existed. The whole "computer" age evolved rather quickly around that era.

  9. Check back with your GP if you still feel crappy on Monday, your antibiotic mightn't be working well. That has happened to me more than once and my medicine had to be changed. Hope you feel better soon.

  10. I love that virtual check deposit thing. So easy. Glad you're in convo with the dentist! Don't be like my husband, who asks very few questions. Be a journalist instead. I'm following with a vested interest, friend.

  11. I think that you said that you have a golden inlay in the problem tooth. Do I remember that right? Well, if they have to drill that out, the gold may be lost. But if they can pop it out/off (as they can with a golden crown) you can take it and sell it where they buy scrap gold.

  12. I echo Bruce - I would have recommended Carl Hiassen - although he's probably not appropriate for school age kids. Ha!
