Saturday, February 17, 2018

Mind the Gap

Olga and I went to check out the collapsed house yesterday morning. As you can see, it's not so much a presence as an absence -- a hole in the street. There are people still living in the house to the right -- when I was there, there were lights in the windows -- but I'm guessing they're probably a bit nervous about their foundations.

Yesterday was our last day of school before February break. We're off all next week. I'm flying to Florida today to spend time with the family, and Dave is staying here in London, taking care of Olga and the garden and maybe the plumbing. I'll be coming to you next from the Sunshine State!


  1. Have a lovely time in Florida Steve but please try to avoid walking or driving past any high schools! We don't want this to be your last post.

  2. safe travels. bring your body armor.

  3. Hole is the best word to describe the bulldozed building.

  4. Have a safe and wonderful journey. And, thank you for posting the photo of the collapsed house. Imagine living next to that when it crashed!

  5. I thought the same as YP but wasn't going to say it. Sigh.

    Enjoy your time with family, though. And Olga is so adorable! I'm sure she'll miss you.

  6. If I lived in the house next door, I'd be very nervous. Safe travels.

  7. Let me know if there's a Lloyd-shaped hole in your schedule!!!

  8. Man, oh, man, I'd move away from that disaster area as fast as I could. Enjoy that Florida sunshine!

  9. I'd be nervous if I lived next door to that place. It's lucky that the people working on it weren't hurt, or worse.

    Have a good, safe trip! And use this proven method (according to the article where I read it) of making people stop doing rude things on airplanes. Just say "Please stop." Like that's going to work :)

  10. Very smart to leave when plumbing needs sorting!

  11. Olga is so cute, she looks like she is saying " really, I did not do that", the hole in the street looks scary.
